
sábado, janeiro 23, 2010

Portugal no topo de financiamentos PPP em 2009

The performance of the project finance market in 2009 was fairly decent given the distressed state of the capital markets in late 2008 and early 2009. PPP loan volumes were down significantly in 2009 compared to 2008, but still remained at a level close to levels achieved in 2005. In EMEA, there was a good range of [PPP] deals – although many were focused on Portugal and the Middle East. Institutions with strong PPP deal flow in Portugal topped the PPP/PFI League Tables in 2009.

Loans 2009 by Country € MM
Portugal .. 1 595
UAE .............900
France .........467
Poland .........418
Spain .........289
Ireland ........141
Italy ..............66
Portugal had an extradordinary share of the PPP financing contracts signed in 2009 in EMEA group of countries, Europe, Middle East and Africa:
Roads: Baixo Alentejo, Baixo Tejo, Algarve Litoral, Litoral Oeste
Hospitals: Ilha Terceira Hospital, Braga Hospital, Loures Hospital
Water: Águas de Gondomar
Renewable Energy: Martel III Wind Plant, Parque Éolico Lomba do Vale, Iberwind Farm, Alentejo Solar PV, Tychowo Windfarm
EMEA: PortugalEIB to provide up to €345m for Pinhal Interior Road
21 January 2010
The EIB is considering providing up to €345m to Estradas de Portugal for the financing of the 30-year concession of the Pinhal interior shadow toll road.
Official multilateral export credit agencies (ECA) and development financiers (IFI, MDB) like the EIB are expected to play an important role in re-energising the project finance market in the face of commercial bank caution.
Fonte: PPP/PFI 2009 League Tables, Project Finance International,

3 comentários:

  1. A posição portuguesa justifica-se por dificuldades orçamentais do Estado em contraponto com a existência de projectos "ready for the shovel".
    Seria de bom tom acautelar dois aspectos:
    Os projectos têm procura e utilidade pública, gerando benefícios económico-sociais e fiscais que ultapassem os encargos financeiros (mais elevados que os da sovereign debt) e de manutenção?
    E os riscos estão bem alocados, para evitar pedidos de reequilíbrio financeiro pouco razoáveis?

  2. Neto do Contribuinte Paga Tudosegunda-feira, 21 fevereiro, 2011

    Quando o semáforo vira amarelo, há motoristas que abrandam e travam, e há motoristas que aceleram.

    Dos que aceleram, alguns acabam debaixo do comboio.

  3. Bancos necessitam desembolsar precisa de arranjar 700 milhões de euros para financiar as PPP só este ano
    4 Julho 2011 - 08:25
    Por Cristina Ferreira, Luísa Pinto
