
segunda-feira, janeiro 11, 2010

Conferência sobre economia de infraestrutruras, 14-15 Janeiro-2010

Workshop "L'Économie de l'eau", economia da água, 12 January, 2010
Paris, France
Université de Paris is organizing a workshop "L'Économie de l'eau" on private participation and regulation in the water sector. Official Web site and program (PDF).

International Conference on Infrastructure Economics
Conferência sobre a economia das infraestruturas
Toulouse, France 14-15 January, 2010
Sponsored by PPIAF, the World Bank and the Toulouse School of Economics, this conference aims to stimulate research on several issues, including how the financial crisis' impact on major institutions and players such as capital markets, banks, hedge funds and sovereign wealth funds will affect funding for infrastructure. Visit the official Web site.

The World Bank’s Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC) and Sustainable Development Network (SDN) and Institut d'Économie Industrielle (IDEI, Toulouse) are organizing—jointly with the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF)—the first annual International Conference on Infrastructure Economics and Development to stimulate economic research on infrastructure in developing countries. This conference aims at gathering the best researchers in the field, both from the academic world and from more policy-oriented backgrounds, to take stock of recent advances and research challenges, and exchange ideas and insights in a two-day conference organized in Toulouse.


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