PPP Lusofonia é um blog de economia e finanças, focado nos serviços públicos e no investimento para o desenvolvimento, e nas PPP. O blog dedica-se a (a) conceitos de economia, finanças e banca (b) às necessidades dos PALOPs e (c)oportunidades de consultoria nos PALOPs, com artigos em português ou inglês. PLEASE USE THE TRANSLATE BUTTON. PPPs, development financing in Lusophone Countries Autora: Mariana ABRANTES de Sousa
sábado, dezembro 29, 2007
Metereologia no INAM, Moçambique
Organization: Progeco S.r.l., Italia
Country/Region: Mozambique
Apply By: 09 Jan 2008
Contact Information : Email: recruitment@progecoitaly.it
Fax: +39 0532 790231
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
Team Leader (category I) – 90 working days
The most important tasks of the Senior Consultant are to support the new management of INAM in modern Weather Service Management methods, including better services for the user and generate income to the institution through principles of cost recovering policy, and support the INAM Administration to operate and function according to modern management and leadership principles taking into account all aspects of public services philosophy that should play an important role in local response for climatic changing problems. For the sustainable development of INAM it is important to secure the contribution of the government, stakeholders, and particular users of weather services. These in return should be the source for revenues to INAM, thus enabling the maintenance of the investments.
Requested Profile • The assignment requires one senior consultant (category I), with a university degree in meteorological science, or relevant areas of study. • The consultant must have solid and relevant experience (15 years) with meteorological and economic expertise as well as experience in modern Weather Service Management, including 10 years in advanced meteorological systems and economics and business administration. • The Senior Consultant will have experience from working in developing countries on managerial level. Therefore, it will be essential to have operational experience in the field about the Meteorological Development Strategy Plan and Studies of Cost Recovering Costs for Meteorological Services. • Experience in PALOP’s countries will be an advantage as experience of environmental protection and environmental systems, mainly the management of environmental projects showing the relation climate/environment and applications of climatic information to support sustainable development. •
Fluency in Portuguese is required, but good knowledge of English is essential, to demonstrate evidence that he can cooperate with people on an international level. • The Senior Consultant will cooperate with the management group of INAM, with the donor organization, with experts from SADC, WMO and with other stakeholders.
LOCATION AND DURATION The assignment will last for a maximum period of 15 months, with an estimated input of 90 man working days (4 missions in total, with the duration of one month). The expert will be expected to travel in Mozambique. The assignment should not start later than 1-February-2008.
Contact person Alessandro Natali E-mail Recruitment@progecoitaly.it Tel +39 0532 790980 - Fax +39 0532 790231 – http://www.progecoitaly.it/ . Send your CV (EC format) to Alessandro Natali before 09 January 2008, referring to FWC3 07-147049 V1 Team Leader
Timor - Assesor para o Primeiro Ministro
Organization: GRM International
Country/Region: Timor
Applications Close: 18 January 2008
Contact Information : Email: Anthony.Carrigan@grminternational.com
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
Job Level: Senior-Level
Position: Senior Adviser to the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste
Project: East Timor Public Sector Capacity Development Program
Location: Dili, East Timor Assignment
Starts: Early 2008 Duration: Twelve (12) months
Advertised By: GRM International Timor-Leste Public Sector Capacity Development Program Senior Adviser to the Prime Minister – PSCDP Activity 039
GRM is the Managing Contractor for the Australian Government assistance provided to East Timor (Timor-Leste) via the Public Sector Capacity Development Program (PSCDP).
The goal of the East Timor (Timor-Leste) Public Sector Capacity Development Program is: A sustainable and effective system of governance and public administration for the delivery of high quality public services.
The mission of the Program is: To strengthen capacity building institutions and processes to build individual and institutional public sector capacity in East Timor. As part of this assistance the PSCDP designs activities and provides timely access to, amongst other things, high-level short and longer-term technical expertise in areas across the public sector. We are seeking an adviser to work closely with the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste providing advice all areas of Prime Ministerial activity and to work in concert with counterparts in the Government of Timor-Leste to achieve development outcomes, particularly in administration and execution of the work of the Prime Minister in Timor-Leste.
Selection Process: Recruitment for the position will take place as follows: • GRM will review written applications to determine compliance with mandatory criteria and completion of application documentation (including providing a bid for professional fees) and the Selection Panel will prepare a shortlist of candidates for interview with reference to the Terms of Reference and the Selection Criteria (found at http://www.grminternational.com/);
• Interviews will be conducted by phone and the panel will most likely include a representative of the Government of Timor-Leste. • A decision will be made on the successful applicant following referee checks. Instructions for Applicants All applications are screened for compliance upon receipt.
Only those applications that comply with all instructions and include a completed Application Cover Sheet (found at http://www.grminternational.com/) will be forwarded to the staff responsible for assessment.
Please contact Anthony Carrigan via email on: anthonyc@grm.com.au
(+61 7 3025 8500) if you have any questions.
Please submit with your application: • A completed application cover sheet (found at www.grminternational.com ); • A covering letter of no more than 3 pages addressing your suitability for the position against criteria outlined below. The cover letter must demonstrate your understanding of the requirements of the position and address each of the Qualifications, Experience and Skills Criteria as well as Language/Interpreter requirements mentioned in the Terms of Reference (found at www.grminternational.com);
• A price per month in $AUD – exclusive of standard allowances and reimbursable expenses (ie professional fees only). Standard allowances and reimbursable expenses are noted at C. Standard Allowances in the Terms of Reference (found at www.grminternational.com); and • Your curriculum vitae.
Although applications should be in English a high level of proficiency in written and spoken English, Portuguese and Tetun is required for these positions. Applications should not contain any additional material. Assessment A panel will assess applications on the basis of technical merit and value for money. Applications that are assessed by the panel as being technically suitable for the assignment will receive a financial assessment.
Final scores will be weighted as follows: ? 80% for technical score ? 20% for financial score The final score is calculated as follows: (Lowest Price / Applicant’s Price x 20) + (Technical Score [out of 100] x 0.8) Note that only those candidates who are able to fulfil all the requirements of the position will receive a financial assessment. CVs of suitable applicants will be added to the GRM Consultant Database
CENTROP - Estudos Tropicais para o Desenvolvimento

CENTROP - Centro de Estudos Tropicais para o Desenvolvimento
Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Tapada da Ajuda 1349-017 Lisboa
Telf: +351 21 3653100
Fax: +351 21 3653238
Email: centrop@isa.utl.pt
Engº Nuno Amaral
CENTROP - Instituto Superior de Agronomia
quinta-feira, dezembro 27, 2007
Lisbon Brokers apoia alunos do ISEG
A Associação "promove a educação superior na nossa comunidade através de apoio financeiro a estudantes excepcionais".
quarta-feira, dezembro 26, 2007
Rating de Moçambique melhora
O "rating" de crédito a longo-prazo do Estado moçambicano passa de "B" para "B+", o de curto-prazo mantém-se em "B". O país é vulnerável a conjunturas adversas mas consegue cumprir os seus compromissos financeiros e com tendência positiva. Esta avaliação "baseia-se na expectativa de continuação do forte crescimento económico e no ímpeto sustentado de reformas fiscais e económicas, que por sua vez contribuem para manter amplo apoio dos doadores".
Fontes: Lusa, Público
quarta-feira, dezembro 19, 2007
Consultoria à Administração Pública em Timor
Project: Timor-Leste Public Sector Capacity Development Program
Location: Dili, East Timor
Assignment Starts: January 2008
Applications Close: 16 January 2008
Duration: 12 months
Advertised By: GRM International
Further information
Sector Working Group Managers, to work with local Goverment counterparts in 4 sectors
1. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
2. Security and Justice
3. Governance and Public Sector Management
4. Private Sector Development
GRM is the Managing Contractor for the Australian Government assistance provided to East Timor (Timor-Leste) via the Public Sector Capacity Development Program (PSCDP).
The goal of the East Timor (Timor-Leste) Public Sector Capacity Development Program is:
A sustainable and effective system of governance and public administration for the delivery of high quality public services.
The mission of the Program is:
To strengthen capacity building institutions and processes to build individual and institutional public sector capacity in East Timor.
As part of this assistance the PSCDP designs activities and provides timely access to, amongst other things, high-level short and longer-term technical expertise in areas across the public sector.
Selection Process
Recruitment for the position will take place as follows:
GRM will review written applications to determine compliance with mandatory criteria and completion of application documentation (including providing a bid for professional fees) and the Selection Panel will prepare a shortlist of candidates for interview with reference to the Terms of Reference and the Selection Criteria;
Interviews will be conducted by phone and the panel will most likely include a representative of the Government of Timor-Leste. A decision will be made on the successful applicant following referee checks.
Instructions for Applicants
All applications are screened for compliance upon receipt. Only those applications that comply with all instructions and include a completed Application Cover Sheet will be forwarded to the staff responsible for assessment. Please contact Anthony Carrigan via email on: anthonyc@grm.com.au (+61 7 3025 8500) if you have any questions.
Please submit with your application:
A completed application cover sheet;
A covering letter of no more than 3 pages addressing your suitability for the position against criteria outlined below. The cover letter must demonstrate your understanding of the requirements of the position and address each of the Qualifications, Experience and Skills Criteria as well as Language/Interpreter requirements mentioned in the Terms of Reference;
A price per month in $AUD – exclusive of standard allowances and reimbursable expenses (ie professional fees only - including superannuation where applicable). Standard allowances and reimbursable expenses are noted at C. Standard Allowances in the Terms of Reference; and
Your curriculum vitae.
Although applications should be in English a high level of proficiency in written and spoken English, Portuguese and Tetun is required for these positions. Applications should not contain any additional material.
AssessmentA panel will assess applications on the basis of technical merit and value for money.
Applications that are assessed by the panel as being technically suitable for the assignment will receive a financial assessment. Final scores will be weighted as follows:
♦ 80% for technical score
♦ 20% for financial score
The final score is calculated as follows:
(Lowest Price / Applicant’s Price x 20) + (Technical Score [out of 100] x 0.8)
Note that only those candidates who are able to fulfil all the requirements of the position will receive a financial assessment.
CVs of suitable applicants will be added to the GRM Consultant Database
terça-feira, dezembro 18, 2007
Engenheiro Hidraulico para Moçambique
Date Posted: 14 Dec 2007
Organization: BCEOM
Country/Region: Mozambique
Apply By: 28 Dec 2007
Contact Information : Email:drh-oex@bceom.fr
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
Urban Water Supply Project Design and construction of primary and secondary network and system reinforcement and expansion
Institutional support and full private sector management for water supply services in 5 major cities: Maputo, Beira, Quelimane, Nampula and Pemba
Tariff reforms that aim at financial sustainability
Establishment of a Regulatory Board for the sector
Facilities for household services to be provided by subsidised yard connection to low and medium income households
The area to be covered by the Resident Engineer is Quelimane and he will be responsible for supervision, commissioning and hand-over of the works to FIPAG
Project duration is estimated to be 18 months
Qualifications: Be a qualified Hydraulic or Civil Engineer
Have at least 10 years experience in water engineering and construction
Be experienced in construction supervision of water supply networks
Have worked in or around the project zone
Be fluent in English and Portuguese
If you are interested in this position, please send your application (letter and resume)
under Reference Number OEX07619DEX
to : BCEOM - Human Resources Department Place des freres Montgolfier 78286 Guyancourt Cedex FRANCE. drh-oex.bceom@egis.fr
sexta-feira, dezembro 14, 2007
Angola Água para Pastorícia
Organization: WYG International
Country/Region: Angola
Apply By: 13 Jan 2008
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
WYG International have been selected to tender for a forthcoming project in Angola entitled "Improving Access to Water and Pasture for Communities of Herdsmen in Transhumance Corridors". The objective of this project is to improve access to water and pasture in transhumance corridors for small-scale producers in South Angola.
The project is based in Lubango, Chiange and Bibala and will have a duration of 36 months.
The intended commencement date is early 2008.
WYG is currently seeking a Project Administrator to join us with the following qualifications and experience:
-degree in management, economy or finance
- a minimum of 5 years experience in administrative and financial management and contract
-management in rural development projects, mainly in Africa
-at least 2 years experience in EC funded project management
-fluent in Portuguese
-fluent in either French or English
-experience in institutional capacity building projects would be an advantage
-experience in agro-pastoralist projects would also be an advantage
-ability to work as a team and in difficult conditions.
The Project Administrator will be required for 36 months and will mainly be based in Lubango.
To register your interest please apply with your CV to WYG. Alternatively, for further information please contact Karla McLeod on +44 (0) 1623 684614.
sexta-feira, dezembro 07, 2007
Técnicos de informática, IT para Algéria
Organization: CESO CI - International Consultants
Country/Region: Portugal
Apply By: 11 Dec 2007
Contact Information :
Email: anaavillez@cesoci.pt
Fax: 00351 21 7958997
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
Job Level: Senior-Level
Développement de sustèmes d'information et d'actions de formation liées en direction des cadres du Ministère de l'Industrie et de la Promotion des Investissements (MIPI)
Au titre de l’expertise le prestataire fournira :
-Un Chef d’équipe (CATEGORIE I) : pendant 80 jours de travail
Expert hautement qualifié, le chef d’équipe doit être titulaire d’un diplôme d’études supérieures en Système d’information (4 ans au moins) et d’un français écrit et parlé couramment. Il devra justifier d’une expérience professionnelle générale de 20 ans ou plus et spécifique à la mise en place des systèmes d’information de 15 ans ou plus. Il doit en outre justifier d’une expérience prouvée du contexte algérien. La conduite ou la contribution à de travaux dans des opérations de privatisation, réussies ou non, et/ou cession d’entreprises serait un plus.
Outre l’appui direct aux travaux d’expertises et de formations, il aura la responsabilité de coordonner et de mener à bien l’ensemble des travaux d’expertise requis. Il devra appuyer et suivre les actions des équipes d’intervention notamment en termes de planification et de contrôle qualitatif des travaux réalisés. Les réunions de préparation, de lancement, d’organisation et présentation des conclusions sont du ressort du chef de mission.
Quatre (4) Experts Système d’information. (CATEGORIE II)chaqu'un pendant 44 jours de travail
Spécialistes des systèmes d’informations, ils doivent être titulaires d’un diplôme d’études supérieures en systèmes d’information (4 ans au moins) et doivent bénéficier d’une expérience professionnelle de 10 ans ou plus comme experts dans les systèmes d’informations dont au moins 5 ans dans des opérations de formation aux outils et technologies de l’information et systèmes informatiques. La conduite de travaux dans des opérations de privatisation, réussies ou non, et/ou cessions d’entreprises serait un plus.
Analista financeiro e formador - Cabo Verde
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2007
Organization: ACDI/VOCA
Country/Region: Cape Verde
Apply By: 03 Jan 2008
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
Job Level: Senior-Level
For 43 years and in 145 countries, ACDI/VOCA has empowered people in developing and transitional nations to succeed in the global economy. Based in Washington, D.C., ACDI/VOCA is a nonprofit international development consultancy firm that delivers technical and management assistance in agribusiness systems, financial services, enterprise development and community development in order to promote broad-based economic growth and vibrant civil society.
ACDI/VOCA currently has approximately 90 projects in 40 countries and revenues of approximately $90 million.
Financial Analyst/Training Specialist
We are currently seeking a Financial Analyst/Training Specialist for an upcoming multi-year program in Cape Verde. Possible start date is the first quarter of 2008, and positions are subject to ACDI/VOCA being awarded the program. This program is to promote economic development and reduce unemployment and poverty in Cape Verde by supporting the development of microfinance institutions (MFI’s).
- provide direct assistance to MFI’s
-develop workshops and seminars
- support the consolidation of MFI’s needs related to MIS, data treatment, financial reporting and compliance with MFI’s regulatory issues
- minimum of 7 years experience in analyzing financial statements of MFI’s and providing assistance to MFI’s in developing countries required
- comprehensive knowledge and understanding of CGAP microfinance principles required
-strong training experience in multiple settings required
- knowledge of accounting for MFI’s, accounting software and financial statements required
- knowledge of regulation and supervision for MFI’s, particularly as related to financial reporting, provisioning and prudential indicators required
- extensive knowledge of MFI financial information and financial reporting needs, including MIS, and knowledge of audit needs of MFI’s, including how MFI loan portfolio valuation differs from commercial bank loan portfolio valuation, required
-university degree, preferably in finance and accounting
-fluency in Portuguese and strong English skills required
- sound knowledge of Cape Verdean social-economic environment highly preferred
Please apply online at www.acdivoca.org/internationaljobs
No phone calls please. Only finalists contacted.
Women and minorities encouraged to apply. EOE.
Formadores - Banca e Supervisão Bancária para Angola
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2007
Organization: CESO CI - Consultores Internacionais, SA
Country/Region: Angola
Apply By: 4 Jan 2008
Contact Information : anajacinto@cesoci.pt
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
Several (team leader and several trainers)
Global Objective: The objective for this assignment is to hire consultants with enough experience to train the BNA/DSI staff in a large number of tools related with the enlargement of their critical capabilities, execution, the analysis and assessment in the matters related with the supervision of the institutions of the financial system.
The Team Leader must be an expert with at least ten (10) years of experience and must have broad understanding of the all the related areas to bank supervision and provide strategic guidance in both (i) technical, operational and legal areas to ensure, inter alia, that technical skills that are built are relevant for BNA and (ii) capacity building.
He is responsible for quality control; He must be able to communicate effectively in Portuguese or at least in Spanish both with his team and BNA management.
Trainers: The experts’ team must be composed by individuals with (i) technical knowledge, (ii) technical experience and (iii) training experience in the different areas covered by these Terms of Reference, and with at least ten (10) years of experience. Most are likely to be or have been bank supervisors/inspectors.
The experts must cover at least one or more of the following technical areas listed below.
- Economics and banking
- Role of banks and prudential supervision.
- The international bank supervision standards (Basel 1 and 2 Principles)
- General Accounting: IAS and IFRS;
- Banking Accounting: Basic and Intermediate;
- Bank management and typical bank operations;
- Bank supervision: Strategic and operational approaches including functions, steps, activities, cycles, supervisory ratings;
- Governance of banks: review of board composition and functioning, accounting procedures, internal controls, audit programs, information systems and disclosure;
- Individual credit risk analysis: corporate cash flow analysis, loan classification, loan provisioning and income/loss recognition;
- Loan portfolio risk administration and management; - Operational risks analysis: Information Technology Supervision, continuity and contingency planning;
- Securities market: market abuse and insider dealing;
- Treasury activities, cash management including foreign exchange operations;
- Information Technology: advanced Excel as an analytical tool;
- Proficiency to communicate effectively in Portuguese or at least in Spanish.
5 Consultores de longo prazo para Timor Leste
Projectos incluem apoio a sobreviventes de violência, marketing de tecidos tradicionais, promoção de liderança das mulheres para a promoção da paz.
Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM), Quantity Surveyor (30 months input over 4 years), Timor-Leste
Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM), Institutional Development Specialist (44 person-months)
Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM)
Project Management Engineer - Transport and Communications Specialist (44 person-months)
Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM), Capacity-Building and Training Specialist (44 person-months)
Apply By: 14 Jan 2008
Contacto: dpearce@skm.com.au, refer "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com"
Job Level: Senior-Level
Timor Leste Infrastructure Project Management
The project aims to enhance opportunities for economic participation and improve access to basic social services for all East Timorese. The expected outcome of the program is that infrastructure assets are created and upgraded in line with medium term National Development Plan targets, including transport, communications, urban development, power and water supply and sanitation.
The project will be implemented over 4 years, commencing 2008 and comprises two linked components; (i) Executing capital development programs, and (ii) Building project management capacity. Capital development programs will help the Ministry of Infrastructure prepare and procure contracts for consultant services, goods, and works in line with annual capital development work plans and manage the implementation of these projects. The capital works program is yet to be finalised, but the main focus is on airport upgrades, sea ports and general marine engineering requirements.
Technical assistance from the AusAID supported Ministry of Planning and Finance’s (MoPF) Capacity building project will directly compliment this component by helping the ministries prepare multi-year capital development programs for incorporation in the government’s annual national budget. Building project management capacity will improve and strengthen processes, systems and staff competencies for project management in the three ministries.
Applicant Requirements:
1. Applicant should have a tertiary degree in engineering, planning, and economics field.
2. S/he must have prior experience working in the Utility and/or Public Works department, preferably in a management position.
3. Experience in institutional development and/or as a team leader will be a distinct advantage.
4. The candidate must be experienced working in South East Asia and preferably in Timor Leste or Indonesia.
5. Knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia, Tetum and/or Portuguese would be an advantage.
Prior experience working on large teams for multilateral donor agencies is required.
terça-feira, dezembro 04, 2007
Especialista GIS para sector eléctrico, Angola
Organization: The Academy for Educational Development
Country/Region: Angola
Apply By: 14 Dec 2007
Contact Information : rjohn@aed.org
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
AED is seeking a Geographic Information Systems consultant for the electricity support program in Angola (AESP). AESP works with multiple stakeholders to increase access to electricity and involvement in the electricity planning process. The GIS consultant will work with the AESP team to further develop and improve GIS activities and data collection already underway.
Responsibilities: The GIS consultant will be responsible for building an electric network full geo-database that will have the possibility of expansion to other municipal database (water, sewer, etc).
This will include: researching existing utility geo-database templates and adapting to the needs of AESP; establishing geo-database rules; conducting appropriate network analyses using ArcGIS 9.2-Network Analyst and other tools; define technical needs to join all EDEL office databases into a multi-user Server or Enterprise ArcGIS; and design final database for EDEL linking commercial, technical, customer complaints and repairs databases into one real-time database.
Build a municipal cadastral geo-database to include resident registries; link the project’s existing household survey database with cadastral GIS databases.
Conduct geo-referencing of satellite imagery, tying to locally used coordinate systems. Train AESP local staff in all of the above. Other tasks as appropriate.
Qualifications: Five years experience in GIS-related fields; experience in database development and design. Experience working in developing countries and ability to work effectively with developing country counterparts and host country institutions.
Period of performance: Jan-March 2008 (2-3 person months)
Place of performance: USA and Luanda The research and design work will be done in the US and implementation in Luanda.
Language: Portuguese preferred but not required
Please send resume by December 14th to rjohn@aed.org. Each resume will be reviewed carefully. We thank all respondents; however due to the volume of resumes received; only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. AA/EOE/M/F/D/V
sábado, dezembro 01, 2007
Microcrédito em Cabo Verde
Entidade Responsável: Millennium Challenge Account
CP 330 - A Praia Cabo Verde
Contacto: Sr. Laurent Mehdi Brito
Tel: 238 2624973, Fax:238 2624633
Actividade do Cliente:ORGANISMO PÚBLICO
Assunto: Serviços de consultoria para o desenvolvimento de instituições de micro-finanças.
Observações: Mais informações contactar a entidade responsável.
Manifestação de Interesse: 10-Jan-2008
sexta-feira, novembro 30, 2007
Especialistas em Remessas de Emigrantes
Especialistas para estudo sobre Remessas de Emigrantes da Diaspora Africana
- Economista sénior
- Consultor financeiro sénior
- Jurista
Organização: CESO,SI, http://www.cesosi.com/
Local: Luxemburgo e Africa
Duração de contrato: 7 meses
Idiomas de trabalho: inglês e francês
Data para candidatura: imediata, inicio de trabalho Janeiro 2008
Projecto de assistência técnica financiado por BizClim, ACP Business Climate Facity, FED IX, como parte da estratégia de desenvolvimento do sector privado.
Este estudo para o Banco de Desenvolvimento da Africa Ocidental vai investigar os mecanismos de facilitação do contributo da diaspora para as economias dos países da Africa Ocidental e divulgação dos resultados, que deverão incluir:
- Dados quantitativos sobre os fluxos de remessas de emigrantes, enquadramento legal, fiscalidade, politicas, aplicação dos fundos, projectos,casos de sucesso
- Principais barreiras e obstáculos às remessas de emigrantes
- Recomendações de mecanismos para facilitar e potenciar o contributo da diaspora para as economias locais
- Preparação de seminar e workshop para divulgação de resultados do estudo
- Economista sénior, com conhecimento da macro-economia de países Africanos, do ambiente de negocios e de investimentos, chefe de equipa, 15 anos de experiência
- Consultor financeiro sénior com conhecimento de comércio e finanças internacionais, 15 anos de experiência
- Jurista sênior em direito international, banca e finanças, 15 anos de experiência
Enviar CV actualizado, de preferência em EU-format para helenavalente@cesoci.pt
terça-feira, novembro 27, 2007
HR Consultor de Recursos Humanos - Angola
Organization: Crown Agents
Job title: HR Consultant – Coaching & Mentoring
(Angola Customs Expansion and Modernisation Programme: Phase II)
Location: Angola
Type of contract: 12 months
Application deadline: 1 December 2007
The funcion:
In 2001, Crown Agents signed a contract with the Government of Angola to implement a comprehensive reform and modernisation programme within the National Directorate of Customs. Phase I of the project ran until February 2006 and we have now entered Phase II which will run until February 2009.
The principal focus of this role is to:
¦ Introduce a coaching programme based on Partnership Agreements between individual customs managers and counterpart Crown Agents consultants
¦ Provide assistance to the Training School where necessary in respect of training needs analysis and post-training assessments and evaluations
The qualifications:
¦ Professional HR experience
¦ Experience of working in a coaching/mentoring capacity
¦ Client relationship skills
¦ Analysis and Judgement
¦ Management of change
¦ Ability to transfer knowledge
¦ Accurate, logical, persuasive and timely reporting
¦ Excellent Communication / Presentation skills
¦ Planning & Organisation
¦ Team working
¦ Portuguese Language skills would be an advantage
The application process: Apply by: 02 Dec 2007
Email: assignments@crownagents.co.uk
If interested, please email your up-to-date CV under cover of a brief letter highlighting your suitability for the role. Please reference "HR Coach, Angola" in your email subject line and mention "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
sábado, novembro 24, 2007
Homenagem a Alfredo de Sousa em Oeiras

Alfredo de Sousa, Linda-a-Velha, tantos do tal, era a forma como o economista assinava os artigos de economia publicados nos jornais. O município de Oeiras presta homenagem a Alfredo de Sousa atribuindo o seu nome a uma praceta na freguesia de Algés.
terça-feira, novembro 20, 2007
Concessão de 99 anos para a Brisa em Denver, Colorado

NW Parkway é um troço de 18km (11 milhas) da estrada circular de Denver.
A concessão da auto-estrada Northwest Parkway, em Denver, foi ganha por um consórcio em que a Brisa detém 90 por cento do capital e a sua participada brasileira Companhia de Concessões Rodoviárias (CCR) os restantes 10 por cento. O projecto prevê a construção e exploração de 4 quilómetros de auto-estrada, que se juntarão a um troço de 14 quilómetros que já se encontra em operação.
quinta-feira, novembro 15, 2007
Oportunidades - WYG Roménia finanças públicas
Organization: WYG International
Country/Region: Romania
Apply By: 15 Dec 2007
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
WYG International have been selected to tender for a forthcoming project in Romania entitled "Technical Assistance for Improvement of IT systems for treasury, public accounting and budget management".
The overall objective is to develop and to endow the existing IT system with necessary software applications in order to improve the State Treasury, Public Accounting and Budget management system, based on the priorities and IT strategy of the MoEF.
The Project is based in Bucharest and will have a duration of 6 months. The intended commencement date is early 2008.
We are currently seeking a Team Leader - Expert in IT&C Project Management to join us with the following qualifications and experience:
a university degree in the field of economics, engineering or IT certified in project management by a relevant institution (eg IPMA level B/C, PMI, PRINCE2, etc) a minimum of 7 years experience in implementing of IT&C projects experience in standard methodologies and tools (eg RUP, UML, Prince2) applied in at least one project been team leader in at least 3 previous projects in the last 5 years at least 2 of the 3 projects must have been software development projects, fluent in English.
The Team Leader will be required for a minimum of 3 man months over the duration of the contract.
To register your interest please apply with your CV. Alternatively, for more information regarding this position please contact Karla McLeod on +44 (0) 1623 684614.
Ver lista de consultoras internacionais
Oportunidade - Beira, Moçambique, serviços básicos de água e saneamento
Date Posted: 02 Nov 2007
Organization: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
Country/Region: Mozambique
Apply By: 16 Nov 2007
Contact Information :
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
For SNV in Mozambique (Duty station: Beira) Senior advisor Basic services Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) SNV has been working in Central Mozambique since 2005; we offer our services in Manica and Sofala provinces. Over the last few years, Mozambique has made significant progress in relation to key indicators of human and social development, with substantial decrease in the rates of child and maternal mortality and increase in net school enrolment rates. The Government of the Netherlands has established a partnership with UNICEF towards achieving the MDG water and sanitation targets in Mozambique. This integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) project is in line with the achievement of government priorities and targets as outlined in the National Plan for Poverty Reduction (PARPA).
The goal is to achieve improved child survival and development through the provision of sustainable safe water and sanitation facilities and good hygiene practices. In order to help achieve the targets of the programme (i.e., one million new users, living in poor rural areas, of safe and sustainable drinking sources water and of safe and hygienic sanitation facilities); SNV has been invited to support capacity development of local capacity builders involved in implementing the programme.
In order to strengthen our advisory capacity in the Water & sanitation sector, we are therefore looking for suitable candidates to fill in the position of Senior advisor Basic services (Water, sanitation & hygiene) in Beira. The advisors of SNV Mozambique are organised in a matrix structure consisting of four sector teams (i.e., Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Tourism, Banana and Cashew (and Education as emerging) and three advisory teams (i.e., in Maputo, Beira and Nampula) each with around seven advisors. The main tasks of the senior advisor will be: • Advisory services - Provide capacity development services: advising local organisations (including NGOs, private sector and water user’s associations) to improve access to water and sanitation.
Work with government departments at provincial (Direcção Provincial de Obras Públicas e Habitação), district and sub-district level (i.e., Posto Administrativo) to support development of policies and regulations that promote access to safe water & sanitation - Ensure the incorporation of governance issues, gender and HIV/AIDS within SNV’s support and the interventions by the local capacity builders
• Analysis & identification - Identification and exploitation of opportunities for the improvement of access to, and quality of water and sanitation for the people living in central Mozambique - with special attention to hygiene education - through supporting local capacity builders
• Relating & networking - Coaching of clients and colleagues to enhance their performance - Developing and sustaining strategic linkages with other actors including government, non-government, private sector and international organisations and embassies in Mozambique, and in the East and Southern Africa region
• Visioning - Contribute to programme development to enhance impact of SNV’s advisory services - Support the strategic positioning of SNV Mozambique including actively engaging with new clients and strategic partners (including resource mobilisation initiatives) and development of approaches and methodologies
• Innovations - Identification and promotion of innovative approaches to supporting the improvement of the delivery of basic services by local authorities, government departments and the private sector in the area of water, sanitation and hygiene
• Knowledge development - Promoting of platforms for learning, sharing and documenting these learning processes - Support and engagement in research activities that generate baseline -, evaluation data and publications to be used towards joint learning processes (especially in relation to gender impact and governance issues) - Contribute to knowledge development in water issues, internally in SNV and externally with principle actors and stakeholders in Mozambique’s strive to improve access to water; at national, provincial and local level - Take on responsibilities as knowledge leader in WaSH in SNV Mozambique
Requirements: Education: A Masters degree in public -, or business administration or development studies is required. In addition, proven experience in supporting decentralisation efforts and in developing PPPs for delivery of basic services, specifically in the Water and Sanitation sector.
Work experience: Minimum 8 years of experience in providing advisory services gained either within a professional consultancy firm or a reputable advisory organisation that has an international outlook and focuses on developing human capacities. The candidate must have a proven track record of experience in a multicultural environment and the ability to transfer these experiences to a developmental context. Private sector experience and a proven track record of dealing with gender issues will be an added advantage.
Knowledge: Broad knowledge of and insights into theories of development focused on structural poverty alleviation and the achievement of the MDGs. Good knowledge of organisational and institutional development processes, decentralisation processes and the functioning of local authorities. Mainstreaming of cross-cutting issues as governance, social inclusion (gender, people living with HIVAids) and sustainability will be essential. Knowledge on current trends and developments in the area of water and sanitation like Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), Ecosan, etc, is requested.
Skills: Self motivated, entrepreneurial, creative, confident, result-oriented and inspiring. Language: Fluency in English and Portuguese (lessons can be provided for Portuguese). Other: Computer skills; the candidate should be willing to travel regularly to Maputo and other areas in Mozambique as well as in East and Southern Africa to undertake assignments and to participate in knowledge meetings; demonstrate commitment to work in a challenging and dynamic context.
Network: The candidate has an extended network in Mozambique and preferably in Southern Africa.
Description of duty station: Beira, Central Moçambique Beira is the second town in Mozambique, it has approximately 500,000 inhabitants. Its port is a major gateway for Zimbabwe and Zambia. Health services: Acceptable, specialist services available in Maputo and Johannesburg. Education: International school, Catholic university of Mozambique Security: Good Access to transportation: Beira is a one-hour flight from Maputo (twice daily) and Johannesburg (three times per week). Travel by road to Maputo (14 hours), or Mutare (Zimbabwe, four hours) is possible as the road network is generally good, but distances are huge.
Internet: Broadband internet is available (wireless or ADSL)
Contract Period: Two years with possible extension Desired appointment date: January 1, 2008 Salary Scale 11: minimum € 2,740,22 – maximum € 4210,61 gross per month depending on relevant working experience, excluding attractive secondary conditions and individual allowances.
Information on the application You can send your application letter and CV (in English) till to Mrs. Marta Madeira, HR Officer (mmadeira@snvworld.org) before 16 November 2007 with reference number MZ 2021. We do not appreciate any commercial mediation based on this advertisement
quarta-feira, novembro 14, 2007
Proyecto consensuado de Port Vell em Barcelona

sexta-feira, novembro 09, 2007
Espanha representa 12% das vendas da Abreu e sobe a 16% em 2008

O director da empresa explicou que Espanha é o mercado mais importante para a Abreu que se especializou neste produto, um trabalho agora reconhecido pelo governo espanhol com a atribuição da "Condecoração de Mérito Turístico", um prémio de cariz mundial pela primeira vez destinado a uma empresa portuguesa.
O objectivo apontado pelo director da Agência Abreu é apresentar Espanha como um destino diversificado, com base na promoção da cultura, património e gastronomia característicos de regiões e cidades, em alternativa ao sol e praia, mais divulgados entre os portugueses.
Com um investimento de cerca de 450 mil euros anuais em acções de promoção de destinos em Espanha, o operador turístico quer continuar a apostar neste país, nomeadamente em Andaluzia, que vai ser o "patrocinador oficial" da edição de 2008 da sua feira Mundo Abreu.
A empresa quer aínda aumentar o peso do destino Espanha na actividade da Abreu, para 16 por cento em 2008.
Como exemplo da presença de Espanha na oferta da Abreu, o director da empresa refere que no seu site na internet é possível obter uma confirmação imediata de 150 hotéis naquele país.
Este ano, as vendas da Abreu para Espanha rondam os 62 mil pacotes de férias.
A Agência Abreu foi fundada no Porto em 1840, por Bernardo Abreu e ainda hoje pertence à mesma família e descendentes directos, na quinta geração. A Abreu opera em Espanha desde a sua fundação, em 1840, e está representada directamente em Madrid, desde 1977, em Barcelona desde 2000, estando presentemente em processo de abertura de um novo escritório em Málaga.
Actualmente, tem 105 lojas em todo o país, incluindo em centros comerciais, apresenta várias alternativas de destinos de viagens, além de Portugal, Espanha ou Brasil, como Cuba ou República Dominicana, e acompanha a evolução das tendências dos mercados e dos consumidores, com a aposta nas vendas on-line.
domingo, novembro 04, 2007
Parcerias Público-Privadas na óptica do Concedente
Project Finance Master-Course
Data: 6-7 de Novembro 2007
Lugar: Hotel Altis Park, Olaias
A sessão sobre a função de Concedente nos contratos de Concessão, inclui
As opções de prestação de serviço público
A comportabilidade dos encargos para o utilizador-pagador e para o contribuinte
A análise de riscos para o Concedente e a transferência de riscos para o parceiro privado
A optimização da relação entre proveito do serviço público e os encargos para o Orçamento de Estado (Value for Money)na adjudicação e ao longo da duração do contrato
As fases de um projecto e o exercício da função do ConcedenteNa óptica do Concedente
terça-feira, outubro 30, 2007
Oportunidades a trabalhar com reforma administrativa e PME- Guiné-Bissau
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2007 Apply By: 03 Dec 2007
Organization: Progeco S.r.l. recruitment@progecoitaly.it
Fax: +39 0532 790231
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
Job Level: Senior-Level
Expert 2: Expert spécialiste en micro entreprise et micro crédit Activités spécifiques de l’Expert: Il/elle jouera un rôle d’appui technique pour la conceptualisation d’un montage de microcrédit pour l’appui aux personnel excédentaire de l’administration publique et la mise en oeuvre d’un système de PME qui puisse supporter tel montage financier (microcrédit). Il aura, aussi, un contact privilégié avec les intervenants et les bénéficiaires du projet et sera principalement responsable pour la communication entre les différents acteurs du Secteur Prive, la Société Civil et le Gouvernement. Qualifications et compétences:
• Formation universitaire en économie ou sciences administratives et gestionnaires avec spécialisation en micro finance ou développement des PME;
• Excellente aptitude en matière de communication orale et écrite;
•Très bonne maîtrise des outils informatiques basiques, notamment MS Office, et bonne connaissance de logiciels de micro finance;
• Très bonne connaissance du portugais et du français (écrit, lit et parlé). Expérience professionnelle générale:
• Minimum 8 ans d’expérience en Afrique de l’Ouest, préférablement en partie en Guinée-Bissau;
• Bonne connaissance de la problématique de micro finance et de développement des PME dans le cadre de l’UEMOA;
• Expérience de travail sur des projets sous financement international, et particulièrement dans les procédures du FED;
• Aptitudes à former des cadres nationaux dans leur domaine spécifique de spécialisation. Expérience professionnelle spécifique:
• Minimum 5 ans d’expérience dans la conception, élaboration et mise en oeuvre de projets de micro finance et développement de PME, de préférence dans un contexte ouest africain et visé à la reconversion des fonctionnaires de l'administration Publique;
• Excellente vision d'ensemble et capacité de dessiner et dynamiser des plans interdisciplinaires opérationnels visés à la création de groupes de coopératives de micro crédit et de petites entreprises; • Connaissance démontrée de logiciels de comptabilité et gestion de crédits;
• Expérience antérieure dans la formation en micro finance;
• Connaissance du système comptable de la zone UEMOA.
If you are interested in applying for the above positions, please send your Curriculum Vitae (EC format) to recruitment@progecoitaly.it before December 03 2007, referencing: Expert en micro entreprise et micro crédit en Guinée Bissau Or send it to the attention of Mr. Alessandro Natali PROGECO S.r.l. - Corso Porta Reno n. 115, 44100 - FERRARA (Italy) Tel +39 0532 790980 Fax +39 0532 790231
Job Level: Senior-Level
Expert 1: Expert spécialiste en Reforme de l’Administration Publique (Coordonateur). Il/Elle sera responsable de l’ensemble des activités de l’Entité de Gestion de projet et a la tâche de donner un appui technique aux différents bénéficiaires du projet sur les différentes implications et aspects de la Réforme Administrative Publique. Il devra aussi stimuler la consultation avec les autres bailleurs pour harmoniser l’aide dans ce secteur. Activités spécifiques de l’Expert Qualifications et compétences:
• Economiste ou juriste, avec de préférence des études avancées en matière de reforme administrative ou ajustement structurel;
• Excellente aptitude en matière de communication orale et écrite;
• Très bonne maîtrise des outils informatiques basiques, notamment MS Office, et bonne connaissance de logiciels de suivi et évaluation;
• Très bonne connaissance du portugais et du français (écrit, lit et parlé). Expérience professionnelle générale:
• Minimum 15 ans d’expérience en Afrique de l’Ouest. Expériences en Guinée-Bissau un atout; • Expérience de travail comme chef de projet dans des équipes multidisciplinaires et dans un milieu multiculturel;
• Profonde connaissance du processus de gestion de l’administration publique dans le cadre de l’UEMOA;
• Expérience de travail sur des projets sous financement international, et particulièrement dans les procédures du FED;
• Expérience prouvée de planification et de gestion de plans opérationnels multidisciplinaires;
• Aptitudes à former des cadres nationaux dans leurs domaines spécifiques de spécialisation. Expérience professionnelle spécifique:
• Minimum 10 ans d’expérience professionnelle dans le domaine de la gestion de l’administration publique et/ou de la reforme administrative publique;
• Capacité prouvée d'interagir et coordonner avec différents acteurs de la Réforme de l´Administration publique, de la société civile, du secteur privés et du gouvernement;
• Expérience prouvée pour créer des mécanismes de dialogue avec le gouvernement et les autres partenaires;
• Longue expérience acquise dans la création et mise en oeuvre de campagnes de sensibilisation et plaidoyer;
• Expérience acquise dans des pays en transition et post-conflit.
If you are interested in applying for the above positions, please send your Curriculum Vitae (EC format) to recruitment@progecoitaly.it before December 03 2007, referencing: Expert en Reforme de l’Administration Publique en Guinée Bissau Or send it to the attention of Mr. Alessandro Natali PROGECO S.r.l. - Corso Porta Reno n. 115, 44100 - FERRARA (Italy) Tel +39 0532 790980 Fax +39 0532 790231
sexta-feira, outubro 26, 2007
Atraso de 5 anos no Viaduto Carnaxide Miraflores em debate a 6-Nov-07

Relatório de Auditoria nº 5/2009 - 1ª Secção
Acção de fiscalização concomitante à Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, no âmbito do contrato de empreitada relativo à "Execução do viaduto de Outurela/Portela e arruamentos adjacentes".
From takeover target to white knight to create a new Banco Millennium BPI

Banco BPI is coming to the defense of the enbattled Banco Millennium BCP with a proposal to create a large new bank which can dominate the small Portuguese market and have a significant profile in Europe and elsewhere.
On 25-Oct-2007, a new attempt at a merger in Portuguese banking comes with Banco BPI proposing a share-swap and merger with Banco Millennium BCP which is valid until 15-Nov-07.
Banco BPI resisted successfully as target in a failed hostile takeover attempt by Millennium BCP, and now becomes white knight in defense of its bidder.
Driving this potential merger is the potential threat of another hostile takeover from Spanish banks. With the merger, that threat would be reduced. In fact, the Spanish bank La Caixa, which currently owns 25% of Banco BPI, would be diluted to less than 10% in the new Banco Millennium BPI.
sexta-feira, outubro 19, 2007
Companies with women leaders deliver greater value
New research from McKinsey shows that when women make up a third or more of the senior team, companies perform better on a set of nine organisational criteria, including accountability, innovation and work environment.
The US research body Catalyst backs up the McKinsey findings with evidence that companies with three or more women on the board show an 83 per cent higher average return on equity, 73 per cent higher return on sales and 112 per cent higher return on invested capital.
Although the studies are careful to note that such links do not necessarily mean senior women bring about superior financial performance, it is thought that marked changes in behavioural and environmental factors occur when the gender balance is significantly redressed.
Whereas a sole woman on a board may feel marginalised, and two women may be seen as potential conspirators, research concludes that a more collaborative approach occurs when there are three or more women, because they are seen simply as directors rather than female directors.
Coinciding with these findings, the Financial Times, Financial Times Deutschland and Fortune magazine recently published their annual rankings for top women in business.
The Financial Times and Financial Times Deutschland turned to Egon Zehnder International for assistance in compiling the 2007 list of Europe’s top businesswomen.
Full story. Alison Maitland: “Top women tip the scales” in Financial Times (10 October 2007) and Fortune (October 2007).
Director Financeiro ONG em Angola
Country/Region: ANGOLA
Apply By: 26 Oct 2007
Job Level: Senior-Level
As a member of the Senior Management Team, to provide leadership in all financial and administration matters, and provide strategic input on these matters to decisions to be made covering all areas of ministry. The following knowledge, skills, and abilities may be acquired through a combination of formal schooling, self-education, prior experience, or on-the-job training.
- College education with a major in Finance or Accounting.
- Requires a Chartered Accountant / Certified Public Accountant (or equivalent, e.g. MBA with Finance major)
- A minimum of five to seven years’ experience, a minimum of three of which must be in a senior supervisory role.
- Must have a proven knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and a practical knowledge of financial systems and procedures, and internal controls.
- Requires proven experience in treasury activities, establishment and monitoring of budgets, and a working knowledge of computerized accounting systems, ideally SUN.
- Computer literacy and a working knowledge of spreadsheet applications essential, ideally EXCEL.
- Must have good oral and written communication skills, team building skills, and ability to work in a cross-cultural environment with a multinational staff.
-Needs fluency in both English and Portuguese.
- As a child-focused organization, World Vision is committed to the protection of children and does not employ staff whose background is not suitable for working with children.
All employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of all applicable background checks, including criminal record checks where possible.
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
World Vision International -Africa Region
P.O. Box 30473Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: 254-2-447359 Fax: 254-2-442201
Contratação pública em Marrocos
Apply By: 30 Mar 2008
Email: rboddy@charleskendall.com
Charles Kendall & Partners Ltd, a well known and respected international procurement service provider, is looking for experienced international procurement specialists. Applicants must have substantial public procurement experience especially an in-depth knowledge and practical experience of World Bank Procurement procedures and large scale infrastructure projects and be fluent in the French language.
Please send you CV to Mr Rob Boddy rboddy@charleskendall.com
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when applying
sexta-feira, outubro 12, 2007
Portugal duplica participação na Iberwine 2007, em Novembro em Madrid

Os organizadores insistem no papel da Iberwine na promoção de vinhos ibéricos nos mercados internacionais, notando, por exemplo, o recente acordo entre este certame e a Miami Internacional Wine Fair.
Espanhóis só associam cinco marcas a Portugal

Os espanhóis têm uma forte apetência para comprarem marcas nacionais em detrimento das estrangeiras, mas no caso das portuguesas identificam a CGD, BES, Galp, Delta e Luís Simões com o país de origem, destaca o mais recente estudo elaborado por esta Câmara de Comércio.
O trabalho, que identificou 400 empresas lusas em território espanhol, permitiu reunir entre 2004 a 2006 os dados detalhados de 180 destas empresas.
Segundo o estudo, só entre as cinco maiores empresas portuguesas em Espanha representam aproximadamente três quartos (72 por cento) do volume de facturação do conjunto das 180 empresas cujos indicadores foi possível recolher.
Assim, ao nível da facturação, estas cinco empresas facturaram 7,9 mil milhões de euros em 2006. O "ranking" das cinco maiores empresas portuguesas em Espanha é liderado pela Galp Energia, com um volume de negócios de 2,5 mil milhões de euros.
Seguem-se a Hidrocantábrica Del Cantábrico, do grupo EDP com 2,1 mil milhões de euros e da Tafisa, do grupo Sonae com 1,7 mil milhões de euros de facturação.
Na quarta posição aparece a Cimpor Inversiones - grupo Cimpor, com uma facturação de 1,13 mil milhões de euros, seguida pela Sovena Ibérica de Aceites (grupo Nutrinveste), com um volume de negócios da ordem dos 476 milhões de euros no ano passado.
Cada português compra a Espanha anualmente cerca de 1.500 euros e vende 873 euros, sendo que Portugal representa para Espanha o seu quarto mercado receptor de produtos e bens e o seu oitavo fornecedor.
Os bens mais transaccionados entre estes países, quer de um lado quer de outro, são produtos da indústria auxiliar mecânica e da construção e os bens de tecnologia industrial, salienta o estudo. A confecção e a moda estão entre o terceiro e o quarto lugar entre os produtos mais transaccionados entre os dois países, a que não é alheia a existência dos grupos espanhóis Inditex e El Corte Inglês. Na área financeira os bancos portugueses têm uma quota de mercado de 0,5 por cento, enquanto os espanhóis têm uma posição no mercado português da ordem dos 15 por cento.
Fonte: "Agência LUSA", 11 de Outubro de 2007.
quinta-feira, outubro 11, 2007
Conferência ECHO-ONG, 12 Outburo na Cidade Universitária

quinta-feira, outubro 04, 2007
Concurso PPP em Oeiras

1) Centro de Congressos Feiras e Exposições da Quinta da Fonte

quarta-feira, outubro 03, 2007
Vocabulário PPP para melhores parcerias

sábado, setembro 15, 2007
Bolhas Dot.com e credito hipotecário alimentadas com fundos internacionais
A bolha das Dot.com cedeu o lugar à bolha do crédito hipotecário nos Estados Unidos que viu os preços das casas a trepar por aí acima. Também esta mais recente bolha do imobiliário foi alimentada por investidores estrangeiros, que investiram nas titularizações hipotecárias, algumas baseadas em crédito à habitação mais alavancadas e de qualidade inferior (subprime mortgages).
No crédito à habitação mais tradicional, um banco recolhe depósitos e faz crédito aos seus clientes locais. Actualmente, qualquer banco pode junta milhares de créditos hipotecários em pacotes, financiando-os não com depósitos mas com a emissão de títulos (daí a o nome de titulizarização ou securitization). Com o beneplácito das agências de rating, o banco que dá origem ao crédito à habitação (originator) pode colocar esses títulos para obter funding junto dos investidores locais, ou dos investidores do outro lado do mundo.
Assim as bolhas nas empresas de Internet ou no crédito à habitação são auto-alimentadas pelo excesso de investimentos atraídos de todo o mundo. Quando as bolhas rebentam, como é inevitável, os efeitos podem ser também sentidos em todo o mundo.
No entanto, a crise no mercado de hipotecas de qualidade inferior (subprime mortgages) pode ter um impacto mais profundo do que o rotura das Dot.com. O crédito hipotecário é muito mais importante para qualquer economia do que os investimentos mais ou menos especulativos em empresas inovadoras. A crise começa directamente com as famílias endividadas que não conseguem pagar as prestações do crédito à habitação a taxa variável, que vão subindo com a taxa de juro. Vai aparecendo cada vez mais crédito malparado no sector da habitação e não apenas nos créditos mais alavancados. Os investidores do outro lado do mundo, que pensavam ter investido em títulos hipotecários com bom rating, procuram desfazer-se desses investimentos e refugiar-se em aplicações mais seguras e sobretudo mais transparentes, como depósitos bancários, certificados de aforro ou obrigações do Tesouro (flight to quality).
A crise do crédito hipotecário ainda pode ir bastante mais longe, pois dois motivos:
1. O nível de crédito malparado vai certamente continuar a subir, especialmente se os preços de casas em alguns mercados caírem até 10-25% como prevêem os analistas.
2. Não se sabe ao certo a exposição de muitos fundos e investidores internacionais aos títulos hipotecários (mortgage backed securities) americanos. Num clima de incerteza, as reacções dos investidores podem ser imprevisíveis e exageradas, criando algum efeito dominó.
O impacto mais generalizado consiste na volatilidade da taxa de juro, que afecta a todos.
Os preços das casas podem cair, mas isso depende muito mais da conjuntura local do que das tendências internacionais. A bolha no imobiliário reflecte o crescimento excessivo do crédito, mas o crédito fácil pode reflectir-se também noutros sectores, incluindo no consumo de bens duráveis e outras importações, ou no financiamento ao investimento de baixa produtividade.
Como sempre, os bancos e os investidores institucionais ou individuais que estiverem mais diversificados e mais prudentes na concessão de crédito aguentarão melhor o impacto.
quinta-feira, setembro 06, 2007
Quando colocadas a poucos metros das habitaçoes, as lombas de borrocha servem mais para amplificar o ruido do tráfego e prejudicar os moradores, do que para amansar os motoristas.
Ver o impacto numa aldeia ex-pacata
Lombas amplificadoras na aldeia
Passeios a menos e lombas a mais
quarta-feira, setembro 05, 2007
Turistas estrangeiros gastam em média 837 Euros em Espanha

Os turistas europeus destacaram-se dos restantes, representando 86,8% do gasto total de Julho, em especial provenientes do Reino Unido e Alemanha, efectuando 42,9% da receita total. Ambos os países gastaram menos do que há um ano. O terceiro país foi França, que ao contrário dos restantes, aumentou a sua despesa.
quinta-feira, agosto 23, 2007
Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist - Angola
Organization: Harewelle International Limited
Country/Region: Angola
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2007
Apply By: 10 Sep 2007
Email: cflowers@harewelle.org
Please reference the "Recruiting Center at DevelopmentEx.com" when you apply by email.
Job Level: Senior-Level
Harewelle International requires a Water and Sanitation specialist with institutional experience to contribute to a major multi-donor WatSan sector review in Angola. Applicants should have experience of working at senior level of government in Southern Africa and be fluent in Portuguese. Interested candidates should submit a detailed CV to cflowers@harewelle.org .
No speculative enquiries please.
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
Harewelle International Ltd, http://www.harewelle.com/
Seeking Portuguese and Spanish speaking consultants
As part of an ongoing expansion of our areas of operation, Harewelle is looking to expand the number of Portuguese and Spanish speaking consultants on our database.
Interested consultants who are fluent in either language should send a CV in English to recruitment@pmtc.org.
Harewelle is particularly interested to hear from consultants with experience in the following sectors:
customs reform and capacity building
regional trade development
ICT development in ACP countries
tax and revenue specialists with experience of public service reform
NAO office management
food security
public financial management
local government reform
NGO capacity building
agriculture and agricultural extension