Why is transparency important in PPPs?
Cross-country studies show that better public information correlate with better public governance. This transparency is especially critical when dealing with complex and opaque and very long term contracts like PPPs and concessions.
- Because no one is indifferent to the performance and cost of the public services which are essential to our quality of life.
- Because public services provided by PPPs cannot close, and costs not recovered from the users must be paid by the taxpayers.
When complex PPP contracts are held off-budget, they contribute to the hidden public debt iceberg. When the excess market liquidity drains off, that's when we discover which projects are really sustainable.
As with the truth, the debt will out.
Cross-country studies show that better public information correlate with better public governance. This transparency is especially critical when dealing with complex and opaque and very long term contracts like PPPs and concessions.
The WBI World Bank Institute sees disclosure of contractual terms as a crucial tool in the governance of public economic transactions given the absence of market-based governance mechanisms. Higher transparency can increase accountability by facilitating taxpayer monitoring, since the paying public has a natural right to access project and contract information.
Thus, PPP disclosure policy should aim at promoting transparency, accountability
and contract discipline based on general good governance
principles, with details applied on a case by case basis. It should be applied
to all PPP contracts, not just those awarded under non-competitive procedures. PPP contracts should be subject to at least as much or more public disclosure over the various phases than other public investment projects.
In the preparation and approval phases, disclosure should cover the level and nature of public services
to be provided, including traffic/volume forecasts (at least the base case, to
justify that the project is worth doing). The Government’s traffic
forecast should be disclosed prior to the beginning of the tender process,
usually as part of a Stakeholder consultation procedure.
Further, disclosure should include service level specifications and project
performance targets and respective indicators, to permit public monitoring and scrutiny over the life of the contract.
Most importantly, projected Government budget commitments to the project should not only be disclosed, but also be subject to budget approval and appropriation. This must include payments in kind (ex. land), grants, guarantees, financial support, all forms of actual and contingent payment liabilities and ultimate
responsibilities for project maintenance should the private partner fail to
meet its performance obligations.
Exceptionally, bidders can be protected from disclosing
“commercially confidential” information to competitors, but this should be
restricted as much as possible to the bidding phase, and the type of
information and the period should be specified and agreed prior to
tendering (ex cost, bid prices, technology, etc).
Some of the “elements of a proactive disclosure”, include:
- A concise project description and contract summary in plain language, including project justification and major phases and milestones
- The current (and previous) version of the PPP contract, including side agreements, any changes made to the contract and to the respective Government budget, keeping the redactions/blackout of items considered confidential to a minimum. Contract changes, including claims, renegoaitions and arbitration decisions should be disclosed promptly, but no less than quarterly.
- Copies of the public partner’s periodic project progress/monitoring reports (quarterly during construction, annually during operation), including analyses of actual versus planned performance in timeline, budget payments, performance indicators, etc.
- This information should be subject to a process of validation prior to publication.
Mariana Abrantes de Sousa, PPP Lusofonia
Sources: WBI on PPP transparency, disclosure - divulgação, transparência 2012
Iossa 2007 on ppp contract design http://www.gianca.org/PapersHomepage/Contract%20Design.pdf
Iossa 2007 on ppp contract design http://www.gianca.org/PapersHomepage/Contract%20Design.pdf
Judice 2011 Arbitragem, Interesse Público e confidencialidade
S Ping Ho Game Theory and PPP Contracts
Sustentabilidade das PPPs e os Tribunais Arbitrais
S Ping Ho Game Theory and PPP Contracts
Sustentabilidade das PPPs e os Tribunais Arbitrais
Nos contratos de concessão de obras e/ou serviços públicos existem cláusulas compromissórias relativas a arbitragem.
ResponderEliminarAs decisões arbitrais nas PPP seguem sendo confidenciais...
O vice-presidente da Associação Transparência e Integridade, Paulo Morais, que a reavaliação das parcerias público-privadas (PPP) é «uma emergência», considerando que este modelo de negócio «privatiza lucros e socializa riscos, duma forma inaceitável».
ResponderEliminarA UTAO da Assembleia da República vem agora identificar as empresas públicas como NOVO risco orçamental.
ResponderEliminarParece que os analistas UTAO e os deputados da AR têm andado distraídos, não sentiram o acumular de dívida escondida.
See also the "fiscal rule" for PPPs in Korea