
quarta-feira, agosto 31, 2011

IGF quantifica encargos com SCUT

Scut abrem buraco de 8,6 mil milhões nas contas

27 Agosto 2011
A Inspecção-Geral de Finanças entregou no Parlamento um relatório que identifica os custos astronómicos das PPP até 2030.
Contas feitas, as parcerias público-privadas nas estradas, excluindo as que têm portagem real, representam nos próximos 15 anos dez vezes o valor do imposto extraordinário sobre o subsídio de Natal.
Na auditoria da IGF são vincadas as críticas sobretudo às sete concessões e subsconcessões rodoviárias lançadas em 2008, no início da crise financeira, pelo Governo de José Sócrates.
A IGF denuncia ainda que o Tribunal de Contas concedeu cinco vistos a estas infra-estruturas em situação ilegal.
Fonte:  DN 

Ver também audição na AR 

sexta-feira, agosto 26, 2011

Ministério da Saúde lança novo concurso para a Linha Saúde 24

Ao terminar o contrato com a actual prestadora de serviços da linha Saúde 24, a Linha de Cuidados de Saúde (LCS), o Ministério da Saúde optou por não o renovar, mas sim lançar  um novo concurso internacional para apurar um novo prestador de serviços por um período de quatro anos, indicando também um montante máximo de 28.353.500 euros, que representa uma redução em relação ao custo anterior.

Esta decisão de submeter a continuação do serviço público a uma nova licitação representa uma alteração salutar em relação à pratica anterior de prolongamentos sucessivos dos contratos de PPP - parcerias púbico privadas. 

Os prolongamentos acabam por ser ajustes directos ao operador incumbente, sem benefício de concorrência periódica.  Por isso não garantem necessariamente a melhor relação qualidade-preço em cada momento do mercado.   

Um dos "prolongamentos" mais extraordinários foi a renegociação da concessão do Terminal de Contentores de Alcântara, que acrescentou 27 anos aos 7 anos que restavam. 

Mariana Abrantes de Sousa
ex-Controladora Financeira do Ministério da Saúde


quinta-feira, agosto 25, 2011

VI Encontro de Museus de Países e Comunidades de Língua Portuguesa, 26-27 Setembro

O ICOM Portugal organiza nos dias 26 e 27 de Setembro de 2011, em Lisboa, no Museu do Oriente, o VI Encontro de Museus de Países e Comunidades de Língua Portuguesa. Clique aqui para mais informações e para efectuar a sua inscrição.
O  programa científico que tem lugar no Museu do Oriente, em Alcântara em Lisboa.
 VER mais em,132,275,detalhe.aspx

sexta-feira, agosto 19, 2011

II Brazil Infrastructure Investment Forum, New York, 20-October

Event Category: Conference
Event Time:8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Event Date:Thursday, October 20, 2011
Location:Hudson Hotel    (map)
356 West 58th Street
New York, New York, 10019

To expedite your registration, please register below. To register by e-mail or fax, pleaseclick here.
Speakers Include:
Minister Paulo Bernardo Silva,  Ministry of Communications  
Minister Benjamin Zymler
President, Tribunal de Contas da União - TCU
Minister João Otávio de Noronha,  Superior Tribunal de Justiça - STJ
Minister Márcio FortesPresident, Autoridade Pública Olímpica - APO
Marçal Justen FilhoFounder and Senior Partner, Justen, Pereira, Oliveira & Talamini Advogados
Alden AtkinsPartner, Vinson & Elkins LLP
Maurício Gomm SantosCounsel and Arbitrator, Smith International Legal Consultants, P.A.
Cesar A. Guimarães PereiraPartner, Justen, Pereira, Oliveira & Talamini Advogados
Alécia Paolucci Nogueira BicalhoPartner, Motta, Bicalho & Carvalho Sociedade de Advogados
Luis MartinezVice President, International Center for Dispute Resolution - ICDR
Guilherme de Salles Gonçalves, Partner, Guilherme Gonçalves &Sacha Reck Advogados Associados
Christopher D. MeynPartner, Gavea Investments
Webcast online available, contact 
Organized by:

quinta-feira, agosto 18, 2011

SOE/SEE debt coming home to roost

As mentioned earlier,  it is best to focus on the levels of GED – Gross External Debt, when evaluating country risk and solvency, together with its maturity profile in order to assess immediate liquidity considerations.  This is a more fundamental and stable measure of indebtedness than “sovereign debt”, which can have any number of definitions, such as:
-        Direct financial debt of the State (, including  Central,  Regional and Local Governments (Republic,  Azores, Madeira and municipalities)
-        Direct financial debt of the Public Administration, including the State, as above, plus the State guaranteed debt (aval do Estado)  and the debt of State-owned entities which Eurostat/INE may classify as part of Public Administration, from time to time (ex.  Estradas de Portugal, REFER, Metros, hospitals, municipal companies, etc).  This is the “Maastricht criteria” debt, based on the national accounts as prepared by INE/Eurostat, and is quite volatile and unreliable as borrowers are reclassified, sometimes retroactively. 

The Gross External Debt includes all the public external debt of the Public Administration (as defined above) which is held by foreign creditors/investors at any one time, plus all the private external debt, which includes banks (funding for mortgages and for PPP project finance loans), corporations (State-owned and private sector companies) and even households.
Only the Gross External Debt includes the debt of the State-owned corporations still classified by Eurostat/INE as mercantile (ex. CP, Parpublica, TAP, etc) and the PPP obligations, which may have to be paid by the taxpayers rather than through user-fees.  

Note that reclassification of State-owned companies from the “mercantile” to the Public Administration by Eurostat/INE does reclassify their debt (Republic Guaranteed or not) as “Public Administration debt) but does not change its legal status, nor the legal obligor/guarantor, nor the effect of any contractual cross-default clauses.  

Given the dimension of the debt of the State-owned companies, much of it held by local banks, the Republic (Tesouro), in its shareholder function has, in practice,  made loans to these companies to allow them to meet their maturing debt obligations, even those which are not Republic guaranteed, since these public service providers cannot “shut down”. 

Thus the  Portuguese Treasury extended EUR 1.3 Bln in loans to State-owned companies in the second quarter of 2011.  
Now , it has been announced even prior to relevant maturity that  Treasury will provide for the repayment of EUR 200 million by Metro do Porto to  PNB Paribas in mid-August.
In the first  trimester, the Portuguese Treasury had made only EUR 32 million  as shareholder loans to State-owned companies which still had access to the market for refinancing purposes. (concedidos pelo Tesouro tinham sido apenas 32 milhões de Euros)
State-owned companies have significant amounts of debt coming due over the next quarters.   

See Iceberg of Government contingent liabilities 

This Treasury assistance in repaying the non-guaranteed debt of State-owned companies represents, to some extent, the  "nationalization"  of the creditors exposure to these companies (SOE/SEE).   In the case of deficit-prone companies that are not yet reclassified by Eurostat/INE as part of Public Administration, these Treasury credits may be reclassified by Eurostat/INE as capital increases, which will have an impact on the  AP/Public Administration deficit for the purposes of the Maastricht criteria. 

These repayments represent an enormous refinancing effort on the part of the Portuguese Treasury, which benefits the (mostly external) creditors directly, as shown in the latest repayment, those who  over-extended “unguaranteed” credit to weak companies.   These “clean” unguaranteed credits,  which were quite unrestricted and were favoured by both the borrowers and the lenders, are now receiving the same repayment terms as Republic-guaranteed loans which were tightly restricted by the limits approved by Parliament (AR) in the annual budget law (OE). 

This is an example of moral hazard, and another argument in favour  of  reclassiffication of ALL  State-owned  and Municipal-owned companies which have operating deficits two consecutive years  as part of  Public Adminisration , in order to place them under the strict budget discipline of the DGO-Budget Directorate and of  Parliament (AR) through the budget (OE) law. 

This would imply that ALL public investment should again be included in the Budget (OE) law and subject to prior Parliamentary approval.  The list of central Government investment project,  PIDDAC, should be transformed into PIDDAPA,  the "Programa de  Investimentos e Despesas de Desenvolvimento da Administração Pública Alargada, including all the State-owned and municipal companies and PPP concession contracts, with liabilities up-dated annually.  This would ensure transparency and would force all PPP liabilities, including REF rebalancings and other add-ons, to be subject to the same overall budget restriction regardless of the contractual form used. 

For the time being, it would be important to confirm whether the loans now being repaid with the aid of the Treasury (
empréstimos agora vencidos)  had been previously acquired, prior to maturity, in the secondary markets at discount, by local public or private investors, thus allowing Portugal to at least capture some of the benefit of the sacrifices suffered by the more risk-averse external creditors.   

Mariana Abrantes de Sousa

De Abril a Junho 2011, o Tesouro fez empréstimos de 1300 milhões de euros, incluindo:
REFER - 434 milhões de euros
CP - 250 milhões de euros
Metro do Porto - 175 milhões de euros
Metro de Lisboa - 167 milhões de euros
RTP- 150 milhões de euros
EDIA  - ... milhões de euros
EVC - ...  milhões de euros
Frente Tejo - 3,6 milhões de euros, empresa a extinguir

quarta-feira, agosto 17, 2011

PPP na saúde vão ser reavalidadas

Governo não avançará com novas parcerias público-privadasO Governo não vai avançar com novas parcerias público-privadas (PPP) na área da Saúde e vai reavaliar as existentes, assegurou hoje à Lusa o ministro da tutela.
Os planos do executivo para a saúde no âmbito das PPP são "reavaliá-las e para já não pensar em novas", afirmou à Lusa Paulo Macedo, durante uma visita ao Hospital Amadora-Sintra, que foi o primeiro hospital público com gestão privada e também o primeiro com gestão privada a ser devolvido ao público, em 2009.
"Para já estamos concentrados em aumentar a eficiência do SNS [Serviço Nacional de Saúde], em trabalhar com profissionais de saúde para ver como é que, com a redução de custos, podemos manter o essencial que é servir estas pessoas todas", acrescentou o ministro, referindo-se aos utentes do hospital.
A visita teve uma passagem pelas urgências, que não constava do programa oficial, mas que o ministro acabou por considerar proveitosa.
"As reduções de custos são importantes, mas estão sempre subjacentes e relegadas ao serviço que temos de fazer, e acho que foi bom exemplo esta visita não programada à urgência, para podermos ver o tipo de necessidades que temos e estas pessoas que temos de servir", afirmou.
Como explicou à Lusa, a visita ao Hospital Fernando da Fonseca (Amadora-Sintra) insere-se num conjunto de visitas a unidades saúde que o ministro tem efetuado para se inteirar da sua realidade, de como estão as urgências, quais as caraterísticas específicas de cada unidade e das suas populações.

segunda-feira, agosto 15, 2011

Divida de empresas públicas passa para o Estado

Portuguese Treasury extends 1.3Bln in loans to State-owned companies in the second quarter of 2011.  
Com o mercado de capitais fechado até mais ver, o Estado vê-se obrigado a apoiar directamente as empresas públicas com empréstimos do Tesouro para pagar a divida  que vai vencendo.

De Abril a Junho 2011, o Tesouro fez empréstimos de 1300 milhões de euros, incluindo:
REFER - 434 milhões de euros
CP - 250 milhões de euros
Metro do Porto - 175 milhões de euros
Metro de Lisboa - 167 milhões de euros
RTP- 150 milhões de euros
EDIA  - ... milhões de euros
EVC - ...  milhões de euros
Frente Tejo - 3,6 milhões de euros, empresa a extinguir

No primeiro trimestre de 2011, os empréstimos concedidos pelo Tesouro tinham sido apenas 32 milhões de Euros.  Nos próximos trimestres, os montantes a refinanciar vão ser semelhantes.
Não sendo uma transferência directa de dívida, isto representa alguma "nacionalização" da exposição às empresas públicas (SOE/SEE). No caso das empresas deficitárias que não fazem ainda parte a AP, os créditos agora concedidos pelo Tesouro podem vir a ser reclassificados pelo INE/Eurostat como aumentos de capital, com impacto no défice da AP/Administração Pública.

Resta confirmar se os empréstimos agora vencidos tinham sido previamente adquiridos a desconto no mercado secundário por investidores nacionais, a fim de capturar o beneficio dos sacrifícios dos investidores mais adversos ao risco.

fonte:   DGTF

Eurozone debt crisis - from problem to solutions

Banks taking on EFSF-guaranteed bonds seems to be another way of laying off risk to the public sector.

1.  Private sector banks fed the debt crisis by their lax lending cross-border to weaker Euro borrowers (the Euro version of the "subprime" mess).
2.  Public sector creditors have "nationalized" much of this excess debt exposure through various ECB/EFSF and other public sector facilities, underwritten by taxpayers
3. Private sector creditors have nevertheless suffered losses with rising yields, as repricing of the risk continues
4.  Private sector creditors are willing to keep lending, but only with higher yields and/or formal public sector guarantees...

Combining high yields with low (guaranteed) risks may repeat, ex post, the ex ante financial imprudence (see point 1).  Just one more CDS, except this one would have to pay out.

Instead, KISS - keep it simple. Let each creditor name his price without doubling up with guarantors which only use up risk assumption capacity.   Public sector creditor intervention should be focused on stabilizing the credit market, on promoting longer maturities and other concessionary conditions, for debt refinancings as well as new money debt, and insuring financial discipline and prudence, on the side of the creditors as well as on the borrowers.

Most of all, public sector credit intervention should focus on reorienting credit to the economy, especially to the export sector which is truly starved.
Note that Europe does not even have an Export-Import bank...

sexta-feira, agosto 12, 2011

Coisas que não lembram à Troika

Algumas sugestões para melhorar  a nossa competitividade internacional:

1.     1. Falta um Export-Import Bank para toda a União Europeia, uma vez que o “financiamento à exportação” é um factor chave de competitividade externa cada vez mais importante. A Alemanha tem o seu KfW, mas os países mais pequenos não têm capacidade de competir nesta matéria. O BEI financia algumas exportações mas não tem mandato específico nesta área. Nas crises latinoamericanas dos anos 80s, a restructuração da dívida externa incluiu uma Pre-export Financing Facility que permitiu aos exportadores brasileiros e chilenos continuar a exportar apesar da contracção generalizada de crédito. 

  2.   Seria bom apoiar a certificação de produtores portugueses, em termos de qualidade, ambiente, comércio justo, etc. A “certificação para a exportação” poderia ajudar os produtos portugueses a aceder aos mercados mais exigentes. Este apoio poderia ser material, mas também organizativo.
3.   3.  Seria bom ter um fundo de investimento em infra-estruturas que pudesse adquirir créditos de project finance no mercado secundário, créditos que os bancos portugueses e outros estão agora a transaccionar a grande desconto.  

4.    4.  De acordo o artigo sobre “Paying for Pensioner Health Care, your budget or mine”, o sucesso da recente aposta na atracção de reformados do norte de Europa dependerá de se passar a exigir que os aposentados estrangeiros, que não contribuíram em Portugal, tragam não apenas a pensão mas também o seguro de saúde, a fim de ter acesso ao nosso SNS.  

5.  Já que não podemos cortar nos juros da dívida externa,temos de cortar nas importações de bens e serviços não financeiros.  Para isto, seria importante voltar a tributar e a reduzir o crédito ao consumo, incluindo o financiamento de automóveis, electrodomésticos, electrónica, férias no estrangeiro e outros portugueses importados.  E considerando que importamos cerca de 60% dos alimentos que consumimos, deveríamos cortar os apoios a agricultores para não produzir. 

6.  É essencial pagar taxas de juro positivas em termos reais aos aforradores e depositantes locais, que são os investidores mais importantes para nos ajudar a sair da crise.  Com taxas de juro que se vejam, os aforradores locais poupam mais,  reduzem o consumo, reduzem as importações, e "nacioanalizam" o funding dos bancos e do Estado.  Por isso é essencial proteger os aforradores locais de quaisquer consequencias da crise de dívida externa, com um bom seguro de garantia de depósitos, de preferência a nível europeu, como o FDIC americano.

   7. Outra coisa que não lembra à Troika, nem ao Ministério de Educação: aulas de alemão em todas as escolas secundárias do país. 

Uma das razões da divergência de fortunas entre os países da União Europeia é a falta de mobilidade geográfica, devido em parte às barreiras culturais.  
"If you can't beat them, join them." 
Já que a Alemanha é a maior mercado da EU, é imperativo aprendermos alemão para conhecer melhor esse grande cliente, para lhe vendermos mais, para trabalharmos melhor com e na Alemanha. O financiamento tem que ser alemão também, uma forma de reciclar os seus superavits "massivos", como lhes chama o Krugman. 

Mariana Abrantes de Sousa 
PPP Lusofonia

ht  ,

sexta-feira, agosto 05, 2011

Avaliação de projecto de Direitos Humanos Moçambique

Mozambique - Evaluation of the EU EIDHR-CBSS Programme in Mozambique

Lot:1 - Studies and Technical assistance in all sectors - FWC Comm. 2011
The evaluation will establish the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and emerging impact of the instrument for the benefit of civil society in the country, and will assess the likely level of sustainability of the outputs produced and development results or benefits achieved.

Number of expert(s) requested: 2 Seniors

Indicative starting date: 5th September 2011

Indicative overall duration of the assignment: 3 months
Working language: Portuguese and English. The reports must be drafted in portuguese

Evaluator of Human Rights progams/projects

Qualifications: - Masters degree in a relevant field (human rights, democracy and good governance or equivalent fields);
- At least 10 years experience with programme & project planning, monitoring and evaluation;
- At least 10 years experience with Human Rights and Democratisation programmes including experience with institutional capacity-development programmes, in the area of civil society and community development;
- Experience with advocacy and civic education programmes;
- Familiarity with the EC's Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework approach, and a working knowledge of EC procedures;
- Experience with financial management and accountability issues;
- Excellence in both written and conversational English;
- Excellent spoken Portuguese is essential;
- Experience and knowledge of the socio-political context of Mozambique would be a strong asset, in particular in relation to the civil society.

Duration: 25 day(s)

Evaluator of Democratisation programs/projects

Qualifications: - Masters degree in a relevant field (human rights, democracy and good governance or equivalent fields);
- At least 10 years experience with programme & project planning, monitoring and evaluation;
- At least 10 years experience with Human Rights and Democratisation programmes including experience with institutional capacity-development programmes, in the area of civil society and community development;
- Experience with advocacy and civic education programmes;
- Familiarity with the EC's Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework approach, and a working knowledge of EC procedures;
- Experience with financial management and accountability issues;
- Excellence in both written and conversational English;
- Excellent spoken Portuguese is essential;
- Experience and knowledge of the socio-political context of Mozambique would be a strong asset, in particular in relation to the civil society.

Duration: 25 day(s)

Elaboração de Plano de mobilidade para São Tomé e Príncipe

São Tomé and Príncipe - Elaboration of a mobility plan (elaboração de um Plano de Mobilidade para São Tomé)
Lot:100 - Other - Tender
Deadline to Submit CVs: 22/08/2011 | Expected Starting Date: 26/09/2011  
The overall objective of this provision is the development of the Mobility and Inter-municipal Transport Plan of St. Thomas Island, an operational and strategic document that will serve as a basis for development of the Transportation Master Plan aimed at implementing an integrated system transport and related infrastructure support.
§ The expected results are:
§ Circulation Plan
§ Pedestrian Plan
§ Cycling Plan
§ Plan to restructure / moped transport condition;
§ Parking Plan for the city of Sao Tome
§ Logistics Plan
§ Plan for the Network of taxis
§ Public Transport Plan

Senior Expert: Tem Leader (33 WDs)

• At least 10 years of professional experience in the field of spatial planning integrated with transport elements
• Proven experience in coordinating and managing multidisciplinary teams in the area of mobility,
• Working experience in Africa (especially in small Islands)ù
• Deep knowledge of FED procedures
• Fluency in Portuguese. Knowledge of French is an asset
• Deep knowledge of informatics tools (Word, Excel, etc)
• Human qualities such as capacity for dialogue and listening, openness, pedagogy
and diplomacy are also important in order to establish relationships and are open to
local administration.

Junior Expert: Civil engineer (22 WDs)

§ At least 5 years of professional experience in relation to Mobility Studies and Analysis and Evaluation of the Road Infrastructure.
§ Degree in Engineer
Junior Expert: Planning expert (18 WDs)

§ At least 5 years of professional experience in coordination of studies Planning and Land Management.
§ Degree in Planning issues

Junior Expert: Traffic expert (18 WDs)

§ At least 5 years of professional experience in preparing of mobility studies.
§ Degree in Traffic studies

Junior Expert: Transport Economist (18 WDs)

§ At least 5 years of professional experience in preparing Mobility Plan.
§ Degree in Economics

Junior Expert: Environmental expert (11 WDs)

§ At least 5 years of professional experience in enduring and safeguarding the environmental aspects of Mobility Plan.

Junior Expert: Geographic Information System expert (11 WDs)

§ At least 5 years of professional experience in Geographic Information System. 
Deadline to Submit CVs: 22/08/2011 | Expected Starting Date: 26/09/2011  

Technical Assistance PALOP

  Deadline to Submit CVs: 05/08/2010   

PALOP Countries - Technical Assistance to the PALOP-TL Programme

Lot:7 - Governance and Home Affairs - EuropeAid FWC Beneficiaries 127054
Senior expert with at least 10 years of relevant professional experience

- University Degree

- Minimum of 5 years of previous experience on technical assistance to developing countries;
- Communication and reporting experience and skills;
- Team management experience and skills;
- Advanced knowledge of EDF procedures and of PCM tools
- Knowledge of project accounting and of programme estimate operations;
- Full computer and internet literacy

Experience of work in previous PALOP-TL countries will be considered an advantage.
Experience within the scope of institutional assessment and capacity development will also be considered an advantage

Language skills:
- Fluency in Portuguese (Spoken and Written) is a requirement
- Fluency in English or French (Spoken and Written) is also a requirement, preferably in English, being the language of the specific contract
Duration of the assignment: 120 Working days

segunda-feira, agosto 01, 2011

Especialista de equipamento de segurança alimentar para projecto em Angola

Verification mission of supply of analytical laboratory equipment for the Food Safety Capacity Building on residue control project destined to Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Namibia, Seychelles, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe".

Ø The Consultants’ team shall include 2 junior experts for a total number of 47 working days (see point 4 below). The team leader will be designated by the Consultant in his offer. The team leader will be responsible for the reporting.

Ø Education: The experts should have a university degree of at least 4 years or equivalent diploma in Sciences or other fields related to the contract OR a relevant professional experience of at least 6 years above the professional experience required below.

Ø General professional experience: Both experts should have at least 3 years of experience in fields related to the lot no 10 of the FWC Beneficiaries 2009 (trade, standards and private sector). 

Ø Specific professional experience:
·         Both experts should have at least two years of experience in the utilisation of laboratory equipment.
·         At least one of the experts should have two years of experience in the import/export of technical equipment in/to African countries and a good knowledge of custom clearing procedures. It would be considered a strong asset if the second expert has also such an experience.
·         Specific experience in the use of equipment similar to the one concerned by the supply contract to be audited will be a strong asset.
·         Previous experience in the audit of supply contracts will be a strong asset.

Language skills: Both experts shall be perfectly fluent in English. Fluency in French and in Portuguese is required for the expert(s) who will visit Congo and Angola respectively.

Enviar CVs para