Encargos com PPP superam €1900 milhões em 2015
Fonte: DN
PPP Lusofonia é um blog de economia e finanças, focado nos serviços públicos e no investimento para o desenvolvimento, e nas PPP. O blog dedica-se a (a) conceitos de economia, finanças e banca (b) às necessidades dos PALOPs e (c)oportunidades de consultoria nos PALOPs, com artigos em português ou inglês. PLEASE USE THE TRANSLATE BUTTON. PPPs, development financing in Lusophone Countries Autora: Mariana ABRANTES de Sousa
domingo, dezembro 27, 2009
quinta-feira, dezembro 24, 2009
O Euro Forte em tempo de crise
A crise financeira parece estar a afectar mais alguns países da Euro-area do que outros, na medida em que os mercados avaliam a competividade económica e a sustentabilidade orçamental de uma forma diferenciada.
Segundo alguns analistas, boa parte do problema resulta da politica do "Euro Forte" que tem sido seguida pelo ECB desde a criação da moeda única, e antes disso pelo Bundesbank. O câmbio EUR/USD, que rondava 1,011 em Dezembro 1999, está agora em 1,4230 uma década depois.
Segundo os HCI (Indicadoes Harmonizados de Competitividade) calculados pelo BCE de 1999 a Nov-2009, a Euro-area perdeu alguma competitividade desde a fixação do Euro em 1999, quer em termos do CPI (preços ao consumidor) quer em termos do GDP-deflator (deflacionador do PIB).
No entanto, as tendências intra-europeias mostram bastante divergência. A Alemenha até conseguiu melhorar a sua competividade, enquanto outros países como a Irlanda e a Grécia perderam bastante competitividade. São estes "países da Coesão", que beneficiaram mais da convergência das taxas de juro, da alavancagem, e dos fundos estruturais da EU, que agoram estão a ser mais penalizados pelos mercados financeiros.
O "Euro Forte" estará forte demais, estará sobreavaliado?
Depende bastante da perspectiva de cada país membro.
Mas o tempo das desvalorizações sucessivas passou à história, deixando poucas saudades. Importa recordar que estes indicadores de competitividade HCI também apontam para alterações relativas dentro da Euro-area, problemas que não se resolvem com alterações do cambio USD/EUR, mas sim com ganhos de produtividade.
Mas o tempo das desvalorizações sucessivas passou à história, deixando poucas saudades. Importa recordar que estes indicadores de competitividade HCI também apontam para alterações relativas dentro da Euro-area, problemas que não se resolvem com alterações do cambio USD/EUR, mas sim com ganhos de produtividade.
ECB's Harmonised Competitiveness Indicators point to considerable intra-euro divergence.
For countries like Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Euro is still quite competitive relative to the USD. For other countries like Ireland, Spain, Greece, Portugal, the strong Euro further aggravates external imbalances and productivity gaps.
This is why some analysts recall the concept of optimal currency zones to suggest that the strong Euro is part of the problem, rather than a part of the solution to the financial crisis. But the time of successive devalutions is long past, thankfully.
VER também assimetrias de competitividade das empresas
terça-feira, dezembro 22, 2009
Economista contra parcerias com privados - Economia - DN
Economistas contra parcerias com privados - Economia - DN
Economista contra parcerias com privados
por RUDOLFO REBÊLO 18 Dezembro 2009
Parcerias pesam nas contas públicas, retiram capital ao sector privado e contribuem para o endividamento externo.
Entre 2010 e 2012, o Estado terá de pagar mais de quatro mil milhões de euros em compromissos com as parcerias público privadas (PPP), quase 2% da produção final do País (PIB). Já em Janeiro próximo, Teixeira dos Santos, o ministro das Finanças, terá de inscrever, do lado da despesa orçamental, 1,23 mil milhões de euros para os cofres dos parceiros privados, dos quais 738 milhões de euros a título de concessões rodoviárias para portagens virtuais.
Não são apenas os gastos orçamentais que são pressionados pela factura das parcerias na construção de auto-estradas, caminhos de ferro, hospitais. É também a economia. Assim, as PPP estão a 'roubar' capital aos empresários, já que a banca prefere colocar capital em projectos com rentabilidade assegurada pelo Estado.
Mas para as contas públicas, a quanto ascendem os compromissos do Estado para com as Parcerias Pública Privadas? O valor actual dos programas já perspectivados - até pelo menos 2049 - está calculado em pelo menos 15 mil milhões de euros, utilizando critérios considerados conservadores. Um montante que daria para construir três aeroportos como o projectado para Alcochete.
Mas, na realidade a factura futura - onerando as contas públicas e as gerações futuras através de mais impostos - será maior, já que as taxas de juro deverão aumentar nos próximos anos.
"Há abuso nas Parcerias Público Privadas", diz Eduardo Catroga. O ex-ministro das Finanças, afirma que é necessário "repensar" as actuais PPP - concessões rodo-ferroviárias, construção de hospitais, tribunais e prisões, incluindo a futura expansão do Metro de Lisboa e Porto.
Para além de agravar o endividamento externo, os bancos, ao preferirem colocar os capitais nestes projectos , "desincentivam o investimento nos sectores dos bens e serviços expostos à concorrência internacional, onde se joga a competitividade externa do País", diz Catroga. Ou seja, o objectivo de substituir as importações - por produção interna - fica comprometido.
Fonte: DN; DE
Economista contra parcerias com privados
por RUDOLFO REBÊLO 18 Dezembro 2009
Parcerias pesam nas contas públicas, retiram capital ao sector privado e contribuem para o endividamento externo.
Entre 2010 e 2012, o Estado terá de pagar mais de quatro mil milhões de euros em compromissos com as parcerias público privadas (PPP), quase 2% da produção final do País (PIB). Já em Janeiro próximo, Teixeira dos Santos, o ministro das Finanças, terá de inscrever, do lado da despesa orçamental, 1,23 mil milhões de euros para os cofres dos parceiros privados, dos quais 738 milhões de euros a título de concessões rodoviárias para portagens virtuais.
Não são apenas os gastos orçamentais que são pressionados pela factura das parcerias na construção de auto-estradas, caminhos de ferro, hospitais. É também a economia. Assim, as PPP estão a 'roubar' capital aos empresários, já que a banca prefere colocar capital em projectos com rentabilidade assegurada pelo Estado.
Mas para as contas públicas, a quanto ascendem os compromissos do Estado para com as Parcerias Pública Privadas? O valor actual dos programas já perspectivados - até pelo menos 2049 - está calculado em pelo menos 15 mil milhões de euros, utilizando critérios considerados conservadores. Um montante que daria para construir três aeroportos como o projectado para Alcochete.
Mas, na realidade a factura futura - onerando as contas públicas e as gerações futuras através de mais impostos - será maior, já que as taxas de juro deverão aumentar nos próximos anos.
"Há abuso nas Parcerias Público Privadas", diz Eduardo Catroga. O ex-ministro das Finanças, afirma que é necessário "repensar" as actuais PPP - concessões rodo-ferroviárias, construção de hospitais, tribunais e prisões, incluindo a futura expansão do Metro de Lisboa e Porto.
Para além de agravar o endividamento externo, os bancos, ao preferirem colocar os capitais nestes projectos , "desincentivam o investimento nos sectores dos bens e serviços expostos à concorrência internacional, onde se joga a competitividade externa do País", diz Catroga. Ou seja, o objectivo de substituir as importações - por produção interna - fica comprometido.
Fonte: DN; DE
sexta-feira, dezembro 18, 2009
EU Commission to promote best practices in PPPs
European Commission proposals regarding PPPs, 19-November-2009
The Commission's analysis shows that the regulatory framework governing PPPs needs to be better enforced and completed.
The Commission is proposing 5 core actions:
1. increased funding for PPPs through working with the European Investment Bank (EIB), by re-focusing existing Community instruments and by developing guarantee instruments for PPP financing;
2. in cases involving EU funding, better rules and procedures in order to ensure a level playing field between wholly publicly managed projects and those managed under PPPs;
3. a more effective framework for innovation, including the possibility for the EU to participate in private law bodies and directly invest in specific projects;
4. consider creating an EU legislative instrument on concessions, based on the ongoing Impact Assessment ;
5. improved information dissemination and exchange of best practices, including the creation of a new PPP group in which relevant stakeholders can share their concerns and further ideas with regard to PPPs.
The Communication of the EU proposes that EPEC provides long term support to those Member States that seek to use PPP to optimise their use of structural and cohesion funds. EPEC should develop into a platform for the exchange of information and best practices and act as a focal point for a European network of national bodies established to support PPPs
What are the challenges and risks inherent to PPPs?
They may require committing significant resources at the preparation and bidding stage and often involve important transaction costs.
They are complex instruments which, in order to ensure the public interest is properly served, require a set of specific skills within the public sector, which in turn requires training.
PPPs are "long-term marriages" requiring long-term commitment on all sides: in particular the possibility of future changes in policy may introduce uncertainty into the procurement process and can increase costs.
They need to be designed in a way that balances two requirements
a) ensure the taxpayer receives genuine benefits in terms of value for money and/or transfer of risk to the private sector
b) allow private partners to generate a return.
...What is the impact of the crisis on PPPs?
Various market observers suggest that around 65 PPP transactions closed during the first 10 months of 2009 with a value estimated at €12billion. Those closely involved with the market estimate that a decrease of around one third from the same period last year has taken place.
Banks' recent risk adverse conduct has meant a marked reduction in the availability of credit for PPPs, and a significant worsening of the financial conditions. National governments and regional authorities have reduced or put on hold their PPP programmes. Lending for PPP transactions is competing with corporate lending opportunities for the scarce funding resources available. Traditional key players in the PPP market have disappeared and no viable market solution has emerged to replace them.
Current signs of economic recovery should ease the situation to some extent.
What has the EU done to mitigate this impact?
Improving the environment for PPPs is a key objective of the work set out in the Communication published today. Meanwhile, the European Council in December 2008 endorsed a Commission proposal for the use of accelerated public procurement procedures during 2009 and 2010. The Commission has also put in place a Temporary Community framework for State aid measures to support access to finance’, which contains a number of relevant provisions for PPPs. It provides a flexible complementary instrument allowing Member States to intervene where general measures, interventions in line with market conditions and interventions under the normal state aid rules are insufficient to respond to the exceptional conditions created by the crisis.
Sources: http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/09/509
The Commission's analysis shows that the regulatory framework governing PPPs needs to be better enforced and completed.
The Commission is proposing 5 core actions:
1. increased funding for PPPs through working with the European Investment Bank (EIB), by re-focusing existing Community instruments and by developing guarantee instruments for PPP financing;
2. in cases involving EU funding, better rules and procedures in order to ensure a level playing field between wholly publicly managed projects and those managed under PPPs;
3. a more effective framework for innovation, including the possibility for the EU to participate in private law bodies and directly invest in specific projects;
4. consider creating an EU legislative instrument on concessions, based on the ongoing Impact Assessment ;
5. improved information dissemination and exchange of best practices, including the creation of a new PPP group in which relevant stakeholders can share their concerns and further ideas with regard to PPPs.
The Communication of the EU proposes that EPEC provides long term support to those Member States that seek to use PPP to optimise their use of structural and cohesion funds. EPEC should develop into a platform for the exchange of information and best practices and act as a focal point for a European network of national bodies established to support PPPs
What are the challenges and risks inherent to PPPs?
They may require committing significant resources at the preparation and bidding stage and often involve important transaction costs.
They are complex instruments which, in order to ensure the public interest is properly served, require a set of specific skills within the public sector, which in turn requires training.
PPPs are "long-term marriages" requiring long-term commitment on all sides: in particular the possibility of future changes in policy may introduce uncertainty into the procurement process and can increase costs.
They need to be designed in a way that balances two requirements
a) ensure the taxpayer receives genuine benefits in terms of value for money and/or transfer of risk to the private sector
b) allow private partners to generate a return.
...What is the impact of the crisis on PPPs?
Various market observers suggest that around 65 PPP transactions closed during the first 10 months of 2009 with a value estimated at €12billion. Those closely involved with the market estimate that a decrease of around one third from the same period last year has taken place.
Banks' recent risk adverse conduct has meant a marked reduction in the availability of credit for PPPs, and a significant worsening of the financial conditions. National governments and regional authorities have reduced or put on hold their PPP programmes. Lending for PPP transactions is competing with corporate lending opportunities for the scarce funding resources available. Traditional key players in the PPP market have disappeared and no viable market solution has emerged to replace them.
Current signs of economic recovery should ease the situation to some extent.
What has the EU done to mitigate this impact?
Improving the environment for PPPs is a key objective of the work set out in the Communication published today. Meanwhile, the European Council in December 2008 endorsed a Commission proposal for the use of accelerated public procurement procedures during 2009 and 2010. The Commission has also put in place a Temporary Community framework for State aid measures to support access to finance’, which contains a number of relevant provisions for PPPs. It provides a flexible complementary instrument allowing Member States to intervene where general measures, interventions in line with market conditions and interventions under the normal state aid rules are insufficient to respond to the exceptional conditions created by the crisis.
Sources: http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/09/509
terça-feira, dezembro 15, 2009
Road and Transport Meetings, Lisbon 2010
The 16th IRF World Meeting will be attended by major international players from the road sector. Roads and their users, the role of roads in trade and life, roads and their impact on society; these are issues needing answers, both now and in the future.
16th IRF (International Road Federation) World Meeting
Lisbon Congress Centre, Portugal
Lisbon Congress Centre, Portugal
25-28 May 2010
The 16th IRF World Meeting will be attended by major international players from the road sector. Roads and their users, the role of roads in trade and life, roads and their impact on society; these are issues needing answers, both now and in the future.
The aim of the 16th IRF World Meeting is to provide a forum for debates, discussions and proposals leading to tomorrow’s sustainable solutions.
Theme 4: Road Finances & Management
1-PPP for urban road network
2-Innovations in PPP
3-Road financing policy
4-Road asset management and production systems
5-Road maintenance management
1-PPP for urban road network
2-Innovations in PPP
3-Road financing policy
4-Road asset management and production systems
5-Road maintenance management
Panamericano de Transportes y Congresos Mundial de Investigacion en los TransportesLisboa, 15- 18 Julho 2010
Lisbon Congress Center
Lisbon Congress Center
The 12th WCTR Lisbon 2010 conference will be hosted by Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), a prestigious school of Engineering, Science and Technology. IST, created in 1911, is the largest and most reputed school of Engineering, Science and Technology in Portugal. R&D at IST is performed in institutes, research centers and research groups, among which CESUR, Centre for Urban and Regional Systems, at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, where the group of researchers organizing the Conference belongs.
VER http://www.wctr2010.info/
It will include sessions European Transport policies, climate change, ITS intelligent transportation systems, inter-modal logistics, mega-project management, transport economic regulation, etc
It will include sessions European Transport policies, climate change, ITS intelligent transportation systems, inter-modal logistics, mega-project management, transport economic regulation, etc
Banco ibéricos no topo em PPP e Project Finance
Bancos portugueses, e espanhóis, chegaram ao topo das League Tables de Project Finance a nível mundial no primeiro semestre de 2009.
Em parte , isto deve-se à retracção de outros países e outros bancos que abrandaram a cadência de novos projectos em face das condições mais exigentes do mercado, cada vez mais averso ao risco, em plena crise financeira.
Fonte: IJ http://www.ijonline.com/
Em parte , isto deve-se à retracção de outros países e outros bancos que abrandaram a cadência de novos projectos em face das condições mais exigentes do mercado, cada vez mais averso ao risco, em plena crise financeira.
Fonte: IJ http://www.ijonline.com/
quinta-feira, dezembro 10, 2009
Marguerite, novo Fundo investe em infraestrutura
O BEI e outras cinco instituições financeiras oficiais europeias lançaram um fundo de investimento para aplicações capital em novos projectos de infraestrutura, energia e alterações climáticas.
The "Marguerite Fund" -- a pan-European equity fund -- was launched with initial capital of 600 million euros to provide equity or quasi equity to companies which own or operate infrastructure in the sectors of transport and energy.
The investors in the Fund and other long term credit institutions, intend to establish a Debt Co-Financing Initiative of up to EUR 5 billion, providing a source of long term debt for the projects that Marguerite invests in.
The Marguerite Fund will be advised by an independent advisory team now being selected.
The advisory team will start work in the first quarter of 2010 and be responsible for originating and appraising potential investments.
A Management Board will be responsible for overall management and administration of the Fund under the supervision of a Supervisory Board, which includes the European Commission. The Fund will focus on greenfield investments within its target sectors, namely
(i) Transport, in particular trans-European transport networks (TEN-T),
(ii) Energy, in particular trans-European energy networks (TEN-E) and
(iii) Renewable Energies, including sustainable energy production, clean transport infrastructure, energy distribution and systems for hybrid transport (e.g. wind, solar (CSP and PV), geothermal, biomass, biogas, hydro, waste-to-energy projects).
Press contacts:European Investment Bank, Sabine Parisse s.parisse@eib.org
Fonte: EUBusinesss, http://www.eib.org/
The "Marguerite Fund" -- a pan-European equity fund -- was launched with initial capital of 600 million euros to provide equity or quasi equity to companies which own or operate infrastructure in the sectors of transport and energy.
The investors in the Fund and other long term credit institutions, intend to establish a Debt Co-Financing Initiative of up to EUR 5 billion, providing a source of long term debt for the projects that Marguerite invests in.
The Marguerite Fund will be advised by an independent advisory team now being selected.
The advisory team will start work in the first quarter of 2010 and be responsible for originating and appraising potential investments.
A Management Board will be responsible for overall management and administration of the Fund under the supervision of a Supervisory Board, which includes the European Commission. The Fund will focus on greenfield investments within its target sectors, namely
(i) Transport, in particular trans-European transport networks (TEN-T),
(ii) Energy, in particular trans-European energy networks (TEN-E) and
(iii) Renewable Energies, including sustainable energy production, clean transport infrastructure, energy distribution and systems for hybrid transport (e.g. wind, solar (CSP and PV), geothermal, biomass, biogas, hydro, waste-to-energy projects).
Press contacts:European Investment Bank, Sabine Parisse s.parisse@eib.org
Fonte: EUBusinesss, http://www.eib.org/
terça-feira, dezembro 08, 2009
Encargos extra-orçamentais com serviços públicos e PPP
Os encargos com os programas sectoriais de serviços públicos, tais como o Programa de Transportes, incluem não só as dotações orçamental do OE-Orçamento do do Estado para o respectivo Ministério, mas também o passivo acumulado das empresas públicas do SEE (sector empresarial do Estado) e os encargos plurianuais com os contratos de PPP (parcerias público-privadas) e concessões.
Assim, os encargos anuais com um programa orçamental incluiem a dotação orçamental do OE, incluindo subsídios ao investimento (capítulo 50 do OE) , e subsídios à exploração (capítulo 60 do OE), mais as componentes extra-orçamentais, isto é, mais a variação do passivo das empresas SEE acumulada no ano, mais o acréscimo nos encargos plurianuais com contratos PPP-concessões do sector.
Há várias formas de prestação de um serviço público, incluindo:
- a prestação directa por um organismo SPA, do Sector Público Administrativo, financiado pelas receitas gerais do Estado
- a prestação do serviço publico por uma empresa pública, financiada por receitas próprias dos utilizadores e/ou por dívida garantida pelo Estado-accionista
- a prestação do serviço público por uma concessionária, financiada por receitas próprias dos utilizadores, ou por pagamentos do Estado-concedente ao abrigo de contratos de PPP-concessão com duração de 20 a 40 anos. Se as receitas dos utilizadores são insuficientes para suportar os custos dos serviços públicos prestados, a diferença tem de ser suportada pelos contribuintes.
Seja qual fôr a forma de prestação do serviço público, os encargos do Estado são enquadrados, quantificados e aprovados de acordo com a LEO, a Lei de Enquadramento Orçamental, Lei n.º 91/2001, de 20 de Agosto e respectivas alterações que determinam o que deve constar do Orçamento de Estado a aprovar pela Assembleia da República.
Com a transformação de operadores SPA em empresas públicas SEE/EPE ou substituição por concessionários PPP, os encargos passam para fora do orçamento, e para fora da dívida pública, o efeito de iceberg orçamental.
Quanto ao passivo das empresas estatais:
"O Secretário de Estado do Tesouro e Finanças apresentou os resultados do Sector Empresarial do Estado em 2008: mais de mil milhões de euros de prejuízo (972 milhões ponderado pela participação directa do Estado o que equivale a um agravamento de 253%) e um novo salto na dívida acumulada. Carlos Costa Pina referiu o valor de 21 mil milhões de euros, mas salientou as "circunstâncias excepcionais" do ano passado como o aumento dos juros. "
O passivo da empresas públicas e os encargos futuros com contratos de PPP-concessões não estão incluidos na despesa pública nem na dívida pública actual, mas fazem parte da Dívida Externa Bruta (GED) são considerados pelas agencias de rating na sua análise de sustentabilidade das finanças públicas.
Até os financiamentos contratados pelos concessionários PPP mas ainda não desembolsados são tidos em conta.
O mercado tem sonar...para detectar este iceberg de "dívida calada, que não se paga e que outros pagarão".
Fontes: DGO, Orçamento do Estado e Relatórios do Orçamento 2007, 2008 e 2009 e Relatórios da DGTF sobre o SEE e as PPPs.
Ver artigo sobre encargos extra-orçamentais com pensões no PFM blog:
BEI procura gestores de projecto e portfolio, Espanha
Jessica Local Holding Funding Manager, Andalucia, Spain
Directorate for Lending Operations in Europe (Ops A) - JESSICA Task Force (JESSICA)
The JESSICA Local Holding Fund Manager will be in charge of the JESSICA Holding Fund (HF) mandate and advisory activities in Andalucía, Spain. The objective will be to develop and manage the HF and the relevant relations with national programme authorities (primarily in Sevilla), regional authorities and regional financial agencies as well as the financial intermediaries and private investors. Close coordination will be needed with the Commission particularly regarding the structuring of the portfolio
The selected candidate will report to the Heads of geographical units of the JESSICA Team and the Head of JESSICA
Identification of appropriate UDFs which are suitable to receive contributions from the JESSICA Holding Fund ("UDF Candidates");
Selection and, where appropriate, evaluation of the business plans submitted by UDF Candidates ("Business Plans") and submission to the investment board of the JESSICA Holding Fund ("Investment Board") of relevant proposals to make contributions by the JESSICA Holding Fund into UDF Candidates ("Operations");
Negotiation of agreements providing for Operations ("Operational Agreements") with selected UDFs and submission of the terms and conditions of such Operational Agreements to the Investment Board, and, subject to the approval by the Investment Board, execution of such Operational Agreements.
Monitoring of the Operations supported by reporting support assistant of the JESSICA Middle Office based in Luxembourg;
Reporting to the Investment Board on the progress of various Operations.
Assistance to the managing authority in collecting relevant information and drafting relevant documents necessary in order to allow the managing authority to comply with applicable EU regulations (including regulations concerning State Aid);
Assistance to the managing authority with respect to interpreting JESSICA Regulations applicable to financial engineering instruments and, in particular, those relating to the eligibility of expenditures;
Assistance to the managing authority with respect to the identification and/or recommended improvement of integrated plans for sustainable urban development, as well as Urban Projects;
Organising and/or participating in appropriate seminars and conferences, as well as providing training to intermediaries and other key partners, on a recurrent basis, to help further develop JESSICA and public private partnerships in the urban sector;
Retaining contacts with the European Commission desk officers on operational issues related to the local JESSICA Holding Fund mandate;
In general, coordinating all local issues related to the functioning of the local JESSICA Holding Fund.
University degree in Finance, Economics, or a related subject
Minimum 3 years' post-qualification experience in a financial institution, preferably in a public administration, dealing with Structural Funds and/or public administration
Good institutional knowledge of regional development issues and policies, at national and/or EU level
Good knowledge of EU Structural Funds Regulation and mechanisms
Excellent knowledge of MS Office Tools (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
Excellent knowledge of written and spoken Spanish, fluency in English and/or French.
A strong team player
Sense of initiative
Excellent inter-personal skills at all levels
Excellent organisational skills with ability to prioritise
Ability to work under pressure
Proven negotiation and drafting skills
EIB Lending Officer, Spain
Directorate for Lending Operations in Europe (Ops A) - Spain, Portugal Department
The Lending Officer will identify, appraise, negotiate and monitor lending operations in Spain Responsibilities in the projects origination and lending process:
Track developments and monitor his/her target market, develop and maintain a network of contacts with private and public promoters, borrowers and financial institutions, to screen proposals and identify lending opportunities. Then evaluate the quality of potential projects inconsultation with other Directorates , coordinating the lending process, structuring loan proposals, evaluate the feasibility, analyse project and financial risks, draft reports and lending proposals in cooperation with the appraisal team and with external advisors and co-lenders
Negotiate terms and conditions of loan and other project documentation and 0rganise contract signatures, Monitor the disbursement process and contractual compliance, follow-up project execution and review regularly the financial position of counterparts/projects and contractual compliance or renegotiations in order to maintain the quality of the loan portfolio and ensure the effective implementation of the financed projects
Value added: Ensure the quality and overall value added of lending operations
Share his/her own information and experience in the management of lending operations with other members of the team in order to enlarge the knowledge and competencies of the team
University degree in finance/economics or any related subject
A minimum of 5 years' experience in the financial sector, preferably in structured lending
Expertise in financial analysis and cash flow modelling as well as experience in credit risk assessment
An excellent knowledge of written and spoken English and a good command of French and Spanish.
Good team worker, Strong analytical skills,
Ability to make sound judgements , Ability to draft clearly and concisely
Strong interpersonal and communication skills,
Good negotiating skills and ability to master complex legal and other documentation
Sense of diplomacy and ability to deal with clients at all levels
Ability to work well under pressure and respect tight deadlines
Directorate for Lending Operations in Europe (Ops A) - JESSICA Task Force (JESSICA)
The JESSICA Local Holding Fund Manager will be in charge of the JESSICA Holding Fund (HF) mandate and advisory activities in Andalucía, Spain. The objective will be to develop and manage the HF and the relevant relations with national programme authorities (primarily in Sevilla), regional authorities and regional financial agencies as well as the financial intermediaries and private investors. Close coordination will be needed with the Commission particularly regarding the structuring of the portfolio
The selected candidate will report to the Heads of geographical units of the JESSICA Team and the Head of JESSICA
Identification of appropriate UDFs which are suitable to receive contributions from the JESSICA Holding Fund ("UDF Candidates");
Selection and, where appropriate, evaluation of the business plans submitted by UDF Candidates ("Business Plans") and submission to the investment board of the JESSICA Holding Fund ("Investment Board") of relevant proposals to make contributions by the JESSICA Holding Fund into UDF Candidates ("Operations");
Negotiation of agreements providing for Operations ("Operational Agreements") with selected UDFs and submission of the terms and conditions of such Operational Agreements to the Investment Board, and, subject to the approval by the Investment Board, execution of such Operational Agreements.
Monitoring of the Operations supported by reporting support assistant of the JESSICA Middle Office based in Luxembourg;
Reporting to the Investment Board on the progress of various Operations.
Assistance to the managing authority in collecting relevant information and drafting relevant documents necessary in order to allow the managing authority to comply with applicable EU regulations (including regulations concerning State Aid);
Assistance to the managing authority with respect to interpreting JESSICA Regulations applicable to financial engineering instruments and, in particular, those relating to the eligibility of expenditures;
Assistance to the managing authority with respect to the identification and/or recommended improvement of integrated plans for sustainable urban development, as well as Urban Projects;
Organising and/or participating in appropriate seminars and conferences, as well as providing training to intermediaries and other key partners, on a recurrent basis, to help further develop JESSICA and public private partnerships in the urban sector;
Retaining contacts with the European Commission desk officers on operational issues related to the local JESSICA Holding Fund mandate;
In general, coordinating all local issues related to the functioning of the local JESSICA Holding Fund.
University degree in Finance, Economics, or a related subject
Minimum 3 years' post-qualification experience in a financial institution, preferably in a public administration, dealing with Structural Funds and/or public administration
Good institutional knowledge of regional development issues and policies, at national and/or EU level
Good knowledge of EU Structural Funds Regulation and mechanisms
Excellent knowledge of MS Office Tools (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
Excellent knowledge of written and spoken Spanish, fluency in English and/or French.
A strong team player
Sense of initiative
Excellent inter-personal skills at all levels
Excellent organisational skills with ability to prioritise
Ability to work under pressure
Proven negotiation and drafting skills
EIB Lending Officer, Spain
Directorate for Lending Operations in Europe (Ops A) - Spain, Portugal Department
The Lending Officer will identify, appraise, negotiate and monitor lending operations in Spain Responsibilities in the projects origination and lending process:
Track developments and monitor his/her target market, develop and maintain a network of contacts with private and public promoters, borrowers and financial institutions, to screen proposals and identify lending opportunities. Then evaluate the quality of potential projects inconsultation with other Directorates , coordinating the lending process, structuring loan proposals, evaluate the feasibility, analyse project and financial risks, draft reports and lending proposals in cooperation with the appraisal team and with external advisors and co-lenders
Negotiate terms and conditions of loan and other project documentation and 0rganise contract signatures, Monitor the disbursement process and contractual compliance, follow-up project execution and review regularly the financial position of counterparts/projects and contractual compliance or renegotiations in order to maintain the quality of the loan portfolio and ensure the effective implementation of the financed projects
Value added: Ensure the quality and overall value added of lending operations
Share his/her own information and experience in the management of lending operations with other members of the team in order to enlarge the knowledge and competencies of the team
University degree in finance/economics or any related subject
A minimum of 5 years' experience in the financial sector, preferably in structured lending
Expertise in financial analysis and cash flow modelling as well as experience in credit risk assessment
An excellent knowledge of written and spoken English and a good command of French and Spanish.
Good team worker, Strong analytical skills,
Ability to make sound judgements , Ability to draft clearly and concisely
Strong interpersonal and communication skills,
Good negotiating skills and ability to master complex legal and other documentation
Sense of diplomacy and ability to deal with clients at all levels
Ability to work well under pressure and respect tight deadlines
sexta-feira, dezembro 04, 2009
Gestor de projecto de recursos naturais para Angola
Project director for Angola programming
Chemonics International, ANGOLA
Apply By: 12 December 2009
Chemonics International seeks a project director for the anticipated USAID-funded Southern African Regional Environmental Program in Angola.
Responsibilities include: engage with national policy makers, liaise with USAID, and supervise project implementation; oversee the Angola-based regional community program team that manages design and implementation of community-based natural resource management planning and activities; identify and assist local opportunities for funding and provide on-the-ground supervision, evaluation, and reporting on community-level activities.
Bachelor's or master's degree public administration, natural resource management or related field
Minimum 10 years of experience engaging with natural resource management policy stakeholders
International natural resource policy experience highly preferred
Fluency in Portuguese and proficiency in English required
Please send a CV, cover letter, and references to SAREP@chemonics.com by December 12, 2009. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted.
Chemonics International, ANGOLA
Apply By: 12 December 2009
Chemonics International seeks a project director for the anticipated USAID-funded Southern African Regional Environmental Program in Angola.
Responsibilities include: engage with national policy makers, liaise with USAID, and supervise project implementation; oversee the Angola-based regional community program team that manages design and implementation of community-based natural resource management planning and activities; identify and assist local opportunities for funding and provide on-the-ground supervision, evaluation, and reporting on community-level activities.
Bachelor's or master's degree public administration, natural resource management or related field
Minimum 10 years of experience engaging with natural resource management policy stakeholders
International natural resource policy experience highly preferred
Fluency in Portuguese and proficiency in English required
Please send a CV, cover letter, and references to SAREP@chemonics.com by December 12, 2009. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted.
Comércio Justo procura promotores no Brasil
Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International seeks Liaison Officers, Brazil Southeast
Apply By: 8 January 2010
Contract Length: Full-time staff position
Fairtrade Labelling Organizations (FLO) International e.V. is the leading Fairtrade standard setting and certification body. It regularly inspects and certifies about 508 producer organizations. FLO also helps producers to gain Fairtrade certification and develop market opportunities. We this through locally based Liaison Officers who provide training, guidance on certification and facilitate relationships with
Vacancies at FLOProjects and Partnerships Manager
Manager Global Producer Finance
Liaison Officer Brazil Northeast
Liaison Officer Brazil Southeast
Liaison Officer India
FLO welcomes diversity in the workplace and is an Equal Opportunity Employer. buyers.
Consultancy contract, 12 months
Applications (Motivation letter, Honorarium indication and Curriculum Vitae) should be sent to the following address: applications@fairtrade.net , by 8 January 2010
Only applicants selected for interview will be contacted.
Comércio justo é um dos pilares da sustentabilidade econômica e ecológica promove o comércio internacional baseado em preços justos e em normas sociais e ambientais equilibradas.A ideia de um comércio justo surgiu nos anos 1960 e ganhou corpo em 1967, quando foi criada, na Holanda, a Fair Trade Organisatie. Dois anos depois, foi inaugurada a primeira loja de comércio justo. O café foi o primeiro produto a seguir o padrão de certificação desse tipo de comércio, em 1988. A experiência se espalhou pela Europa e, no ano seguinte, foi criada a International Fair Trade Association, que reúne atualmente cerca de 300 organizações em 60 países.O comércio justo promove a parceria entre produtores e consumidores que trabalham para ultrapassar as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos primeiros, para aumentar seu acesso ao mercado e para promover o processo de desenvolvimento sustentável.
No Brasil , selo de comércio justoEm Portugal
Gestão de projectos de água, Timor Leste
Project Management Engineer – Water and Sanitation
Sinclair Knight Merz, East Timor
Apply By: 11 December 2009
Apply Here
Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) is market leader in providing international development services in a broad range of sectors, including education, health, water/sanitation, environment, governance, infrastructure, transport and agriculture. Adding value through delivering excellent project outcomes is a core value at SKM. Our clients value our competence and our commitment to their vision.
The Asian Development Bank Infrastructure Technical Assistance (ITA) is assisting Timor-Leste's Ministry of Infrastructure (MoI) to prepare, procure and manage consulting services, goods and works required for the annual capital development program. This is a currently running ADB TA Project.
The Specialist
An international Project Management Engineer - Water and Sanitation will be required to work in the Ministry of Infrastructure (MoI) in Dili, Timor-Leste.
The PMEWS-LTS will be engaged on a full-time basis for a twelve-month period with a possibility of extension.
The PMEWS will work at the DWSS office and will coordinate closely with the Director. The specialist will also be required to work closely with other Mol staff and any appointed line ministry personnel as requested by the Director and necessitated by the role.
It will also be necessary for the PMEWS to work with the ITA specialists particularly the Safeguard Specialist in relation to environmental and social issues impacting on capital development projects in Timor-Leste, the Senior Legal Adviser in relation to international and national laws affecting local engineering designs and the Capacity Building and Training Specialist in relation to the preparation of an on-the-job training program.
Terms of Engagement
The anticipated term of engagement is for a period of 12 months. The anticipated date of mobilisation is 5th January 2009.
A Project Management Engineer - Water and Sanitation is required with:
1. an internationally recognised engineering qualification, which at a minimum must be a Bachelor of Engineering;
2. have five (5) years experience in the area of water engineering;
3. have a minimum of five (5) years project management experience;
4. be thoroughly familiar with current project management procedures in Asia be fluent in spoken and written English and have a demonstrated ability to write plain language progress reports; and have a proven track record of completing projects, managing time schedules and budgets.
Fluency in Tetum, Portugese or Bahasa Indonesia would be an advantage
Specific Tasks
The major tasks of the Short Term Specialist include but are not limited to the following:
i With the Procurement Division, and with input from specialists (as required) assist DWSSstaff in the preparation of terms of reference for consulting services contracts (design,supervision, etc.);
ii coordinate with the long-term safeguard specialist and DWSS staff to support the preparation and implementation of relevant environmental and social safeguard assessments and management/mitigation plans to the standard required by the Government and according to good international practices
iii together with the long-term safeguard specialist, assist in the preparation of the scope of work and terms of reference for short-term safeguard specialists (if required by Mol)
iv with inputs from specialists (as required), assist DWSS staff in the preparation of specifications/designs/bills of quantities for procurement of goods and works
v provide support and assistance to the Procurement Division. if requested by Mol, in the evaluation of tenders, bids, proposals; and preparation of bid evaluation reports, including recommendations for award
vi support DWSS to manage projects/contracts following award of contract
vii assist DWSS staff to evaluate existing project/contract management procedures including time, cost, payment, quality, human resources, communications, and risk management and recommend improvements as needed
viii provide advice and assistance in the development of project/contract management procedures and systems in consultation with other ministries and ongoing institutional and capacity-building programs
ix provide project management and implementation support as needed (financial, contract management, risk management, records-keeping, etc.) for services, goods, and works contracts including assistance with field supervision activities
x assist Mol Finance and Administration staff working with DWSS to comply with and maintain financial management and reporting systems as specified by MoF and funding agencies (if applicable)
xi support Mol Finance and Administration staff to monitor payments to suppliers, contractors, and consultants on DWSS activities
xii depending on project type (goods, works, and services), assist DWSS staff to manage project scope in order that change control processes/contract variations are implemented and monitored
xiii assist DWSS staff to monitor project/contract scheduling
xiv assist DWSS staff to monitor quality control and quality assurance processes, in order that quality assurance/quality control systems are complied with both on projects/ contracts and within the Ministry
xv provide advice and support to DWSS staff to establish communication and reporting procedures
xvi with support and guidance from the capacity building and training specialist, prepare the project engineering section of the TA's Staged Capacity Building Plan (SCBP), implement the plan and monitor progress of skills transfer to DWSS staff
xvii with the support of the capacity building and training specialist, provide on-the-job training and other support to DWSS staff in all areas identified in the SCBP
xviii with the assistance of the capacity building and training specialist, coordinate project engineering and capacity-building activities with other related programs, including bilateral or multilateral development agency-funded activities such as the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project and the Dili Urban Water Supply Project
xix with the counterpart DWSS staff, prepare and submit , with the assistance of the procurement specialist, an annual workplan, detailing the activities to be undertaken and the approximate timeline and indicators to measure performance
Ver também http://timorleste.com/
quinta-feira, dezembro 03, 2009
Formadores em finanças para países ACP
Human Dynamics is searching for long and short term consultants: Training on Financial and Contractual Procedures in the Framework of the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) – Brussels and ACP Countries
Duration: 48 months
Start: May 2009
Donor: EUROPEAID, 10th EDF
The project aims at the design, preparation and implementation of a series of courses on Financial and Contractual Procedures in the framework of the 10th EDF in English, French, and Portuguese. The courses will be delivered in all ACP countries (60 coures in total) mainly to staff of the NAOs and RAOs and in Brussels (40 courses in total) to staff of the European Commission and the ACP Secretariat. The duration of the project will be 48 months with a 6-month intensive period in the beginning and thereafter trainings on an intermittent basis.
The trainers have to participate in a “training of trainers course” in Brussels and must undertake one of the training courses as “trainees”. Thereafter, the experts work as trainers in either of the courses.
For the implementation of the project Human Dynamics is currently recruiting a Pool of Trainers who would implement the trainings along with the Key Experts.
Qualifications and skills:
Bachelors Degree or equivalent in Business, Management, Human Resources Management or LawVery good knowledge of English, French and/or Portuguese
At least 4 years of working experience – of which at least 2 years in projects in ACP countries
Specific professional experience:
At least 4 years of experience in the field of training – of which at least 2 years as trainer, in Budget & Financial Management Training
Contact: Iliana Vakova recuitment@humandynamics.org, iliana.vakova@humandynamics.org
Duration: 48 months
Start: May 2009
Donor: EUROPEAID, 10th EDF
The project aims at the design, preparation and implementation of a series of courses on Financial and Contractual Procedures in the framework of the 10th EDF in English, French, and Portuguese. The courses will be delivered in all ACP countries (60 coures in total) mainly to staff of the NAOs and RAOs and in Brussels (40 courses in total) to staff of the European Commission and the ACP Secretariat. The duration of the project will be 48 months with a 6-month intensive period in the beginning and thereafter trainings on an intermittent basis.
The trainers have to participate in a “training of trainers course” in Brussels and must undertake one of the training courses as “trainees”. Thereafter, the experts work as trainers in either of the courses.
For the implementation of the project Human Dynamics is currently recruiting a Pool of Trainers who would implement the trainings along with the Key Experts.
Qualifications and skills:
Bachelors Degree or equivalent in Business, Management, Human Resources Management or LawVery good knowledge of English, French and/or Portuguese
At least 4 years of working experience – of which at least 2 years in projects in ACP countries
Specific professional experience:
At least 4 years of experience in the field of training – of which at least 2 years as trainer, in Budget & Financial Management Training
Contact: Iliana Vakova recuitment@humandynamics.org, iliana.vakova@humandynamics.org
quarta-feira, dezembro 02, 2009
UCP lança Observatório das PPP
A Universidade Católica Portuguesa lança a 3-Dezembro-2009 o OPPP - Observatório das Parcerias Publico-Privadas, por forma a promover a realização de estudos nesta área.
O Observatório pretende desenvolver um trabalho sistematizado sobre a temática das PPPs em Portugal, permitindo a todos os stakeholders envolvidos nesta matéria terem acesso a informação rigorosamente tratada, e a desenvolvimentos de Economia Aplicada neste sector.
O Observatório pretende integrar como membros várias instituições pertencentes a todas as categorias de stakeholders do mercado das PPPs: ministérios concedentes, entidades reguladoras, concessionários, fornecedores de equipamentos, bancos financiadores, consultoras, sociedades de advogados.
As equipas de trabalho do OPPP integrarão elementos da FCEE - académicos, docentes e alunos - bem como reconhecidos practitioners, membros do Observatório.
As Parcerias Público-Privadas são uma das áreas de consultoria do CEA-UCP, o Centro de Estudos Aplicados da Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
OOP Observatório das Obras Públicas, INCI
Observatório do QREN
Observatório Português dos Sistemas de Saúde, uma rede de investigadores e instituições académicas dedicadas ao estudo os sistemas de saúde
European WHO Health Observatory
O Observatório pretende desenvolver um trabalho sistematizado sobre a temática das PPPs em Portugal, permitindo a todos os stakeholders envolvidos nesta matéria terem acesso a informação rigorosamente tratada, e a desenvolvimentos de Economia Aplicada neste sector.
O Observatório pretende integrar como membros várias instituições pertencentes a todas as categorias de stakeholders do mercado das PPPs: ministérios concedentes, entidades reguladoras, concessionários, fornecedores de equipamentos, bancos financiadores, consultoras, sociedades de advogados.
As equipas de trabalho do OPPP integrarão elementos da FCEE - académicos, docentes e alunos - bem como reconhecidos practitioners, membros do Observatório.
As Parcerias Público-Privadas são uma das áreas de consultoria do CEA-UCP, o Centro de Estudos Aplicados da Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
OOP Observatório das Obras Públicas, INCI
Observatório do QREN
Observatório Português dos Sistemas de Saúde, uma rede de investigadores e instituições académicas dedicadas ao estudo os sistemas de saúde
European WHO Health Observatory
terça-feira, dezembro 01, 2009
Especialista de Transportes para Malawi e Moçambique
Junior roads and rail transport expert, eastern Africa
Position: Expert junior in Transport
Staring date: 15th March 2010, 83 working days
Education: Advanced University degree in Transport Planning, Transport Economics & civil engineering
Experience 3 years of general work experience
Languages Fluent english, spoken knowledge of Portuguese
The global objective of the assignment is to design an overall strategy for multimodal development in transport sector in Malawi, with emphasis on private sector participation on regional and international corridors with an aim of reduce import/export costs.
Key requirements
You will have experience in most of the following fields: transport integrated planning, transport economics, transport sector regulation (particularly rail) and transport policy, PPP development and PSP facilitation, and civil engineering. Also an experience in all of the transport subsectors (air, rail, marine and road) will be highly appreciated.It is also essential you have already worked in developing countries and had previous involvement in institutional development.
Requested services
The specific objectives and the outcomes are as follows:
- Assessment of the current status of all components of the Malawi multimodal transport system based on the review of all regional transport corridors, in multimodal fashion, with respect to their capacities, economic values and benefits,
- Assessment of the main economic sectors in Malawi, dependant on transport services and their present and forecasted growth,
- Assessment of the potential for engaging in PPP or PSP operation in the above mentioned transport sub-sectors including road, rail, water and air transport, focusing on transport corridors.
- Preparation of Malawi Multimodal Transport Sector development strategy.
The strategy should list the potential investment plans, indicate whether there is possibility for engaging PPP or PSP components in these investment plans, and assess the scale of private investment if PPP or PSP is considerate to be possible.
- Prioritization of potential investments plans and their components for Malawi. The prioritization will be made under the unconstrained and constrained budgetary considerations.
The consultants will use all available data obtained from the existing studies, with updated information from various ministries and institutions, concessionaires, neighboring countries and will carry out the most important visual inspections and verifications as deem to be necessary as to take the liability for the final product under this assignment. Data collection will be done by the Ministry of transport under the supervision of an expert financed by the World Bank. The team leader under this framework contract will be mobilized at the beginning of the study in Malawi to agree with the Government, the World Bank and the expert paid by the World Bank about the data to be collected.
Position: Expert junior in Transport
Staring date: 15th March 2010, 83 working days
Education: Advanced University degree in Transport Planning, Transport Economics & civil engineering
Experience 3 years of general work experience
Languages Fluent english, spoken knowledge of Portuguese
The global objective of the assignment is to design an overall strategy for multimodal development in transport sector in Malawi, with emphasis on private sector participation on regional and international corridors with an aim of reduce import/export costs.
Key requirements
You will have experience in most of the following fields: transport integrated planning, transport economics, transport sector regulation (particularly rail) and transport policy, PPP development and PSP facilitation, and civil engineering. Also an experience in all of the transport subsectors (air, rail, marine and road) will be highly appreciated.It is also essential you have already worked in developing countries and had previous involvement in institutional development.
Requested services
The specific objectives and the outcomes are as follows:
- Assessment of the current status of all components of the Malawi multimodal transport system based on the review of all regional transport corridors, in multimodal fashion, with respect to their capacities, economic values and benefits,
- Assessment of the main economic sectors in Malawi, dependant on transport services and their present and forecasted growth,
- Assessment of the potential for engaging in PPP or PSP operation in the above mentioned transport sub-sectors including road, rail, water and air transport, focusing on transport corridors.
- Preparation of Malawi Multimodal Transport Sector development strategy.
The strategy should list the potential investment plans, indicate whether there is possibility for engaging PPP or PSP components in these investment plans, and assess the scale of private investment if PPP or PSP is considerate to be possible.
- Prioritization of potential investments plans and their components for Malawi. The prioritization will be made under the unconstrained and constrained budgetary considerations.
The consultants will use all available data obtained from the existing studies, with updated information from various ministries and institutions, concessionaires, neighboring countries and will carry out the most important visual inspections and verifications as deem to be necessary as to take the liability for the final product under this assignment. Data collection will be done by the Ministry of transport under the supervision of an expert financed by the World Bank. The team leader under this framework contract will be mobilized at the beginning of the study in Malawi to agree with the Government, the World Bank and the expert paid by the World Bank about the data to be collected.
Mensagens (Atom)