
sábado, agosto 28, 2010

Renegociações de concessões passam risco de tráfego para o Concedente - 2

Segundo notícias do  Diário da República, o Governo nomeou uma  Comissão de Renegociação das Concessões SCUT, nomeadamente SCUTIVAS, Ascendi, NORSCUT e EUROSCUT, que apresentará relatório até 30-Setembro-2010. 

A Comissão de Renegociação será  coordenada por Francisco  Soares,  com Vítor  Almeida, e Ernesto  Ribeiro em representação das Finanças, Pedro Silva Costa e Joaquim Pais Jorge em representação do Ministro das Obras Públicas, Transportes e Comunicações. Como suplentes ficaram Maria Amália Freire de Almeida em representação das Finanças e Pedro Durão Lopes, das Obras Públicas, Transportes e Comunicações.

Paralelamente, foi constituída outra comissão para transformar  mais duas concessionárias em sub concessionárias da  EP,SA, a  AEDL Auto-Estradas do Douro Litoral  e a Brisal — Auto-Estradas do Litoral. 

As renegociações destas concessões SCUT, e de outras concessões que foram renegociadas recentemente, são geralmente provocadas pela decisão do Concedente de introduzir portagens.   A introdução de portagens aumenta o risco de tráfego, por isso essa alteração unilateral do Concedente obriga-o a  indemnizar a concessionária a fim de repor o equilíbrio financeiro da concessão.  

Existem várias formas de repôr o reequilíbrio económico e financeiro (REF) no caso da introdução das portagens,  
  • Pagamento de indemnização em numerário, o que não convém na actual crise orçamental.
  • Prolongamento do prazo da concessão, a fim de permitir ao concessionário de obter rendimentos por mais anos.  O MOPTC já indicou que não o fará.  
  • Alteração da afectação de riscos, da  concessionário para o Concedente, transformando a receita baseada no tráfego contado para receita com base da mera "disponibilidade" da via, uma prática que está a ser generalizada
Os REFs têm que ser sempre aprovados pelos bancos credores, o que está cada vez mais difícil na actual crise financeira.  A transformação da remuneração das  concessões SCUT  transfere o risco de tráfego para o Concedente, que passa a pagar o volume tráfego previsto inicialmente, não o tráfego real, na forma de  pagamentos por disponibilidade.  No caso das diversas concessões que estão com tráfego real  significativamente  (de -20% a -40%)  abaixo da previsão do Cenário Base inicial, isto   representa um forte benefício.  Na pratica, o pagamento por disponibilidade  pode representar mais encargos para o Concedente  do que a alternativa de  indemnização ou prolongamento.   

No caso da transformação das concessões com portagem em subconcessões com receita baseada na disponibilidade, o risco de tráfego também passa da  concessionária para o Concedente.  

A transferência de riscos importantes como o risco de tráfego em sede de uma renegociação bilateral,  sem
pressão concorrencial, que é equivalente a um ajuste directo, implica riscos importantes para o Concedente.  

Para promover a transparência e defender os interesses do contribuinte (Value for Money), seria importante divulgar estudos comparativos do tráfego previsto no Cenário Base inicial,  com o tráfego real e com as novas previsões de tráfego actualizadas.   Isto seria essencial para garantir que o Concedente não passa a "pagar tráfego" inexistente,  através de um pagamento por disponibilidade claramente empolado.  Caso contrário, o sonar dos credores vai facilmente detecta a dívida pública indirecta a crescer com as PPPs. 

VER também

Senior Monitoring & Evaluation specialist, agriculture, Mozambique, 2 years

M&E specialist in agriculture and rural development context

Apply by :        9 September 2010

Mozambique - Morrumbala

Duration:           2 years   Long-term consulting assignment

Area of Activity:           Agriculture, Rural Development Forestry and Fishery
Job Description:           Rural Development Promotion Project

Operationalization of the project monitoring, reporting and evaluation system, and Implementation of two household and community survey data collections.
Minimum years of professional experience:       10 years

For more information, please send  email: 
Organization(s):  Società Italiana di Monitoraggio SpA


quinta-feira, agosto 26, 2010

PNUD contrata especialista em processos eleitorais, Guiné-Bissau


Location :Guiné-Bissau, Guinea Bissau
Application Deadline :26-Aug-10
Type of Contract :FTA International
Post Level :P-5
Languages Required :English   Portuguese
Duration of Initial Contract :1 Year
Expected Duration of Assignment :2 Years

UNDP has established a partnership on electoral assistance with the European Commission and EU member states. The European Commission (EC)-UNDP Partnership on Electoral Assistance mobilized more than 450 million EURO since 2004 for financial and technical support to transitional democracies and post conflict countries in order to promote and contribute to the organization of genuine and sustainable electoral processes. For this an EC-UNDP Joint Task Force (JTF) on Electoral Assistance composed of the EC, UNDP BDP and PSO was established to further strengthen and facilitate the already existing EC-UNDP partnership in the field of electoral assistance and improve the overall efficiency and adherence of the projects to the common EC-UNDP strategic approach.

Funded up to 6.1 million Euros for a three years’ budget, the Project in Support of the 2010-2012 Electoral Cycles in the PALOP and Timor Leste has a regional scope and is financed by the EC as sole donor. The project implementation will be ensured by UNDP Guinea Bissau through direct execution modality (DEX). Building on past and ongoing support in the electoral domain to the PALOP and Timor Leste, the strategy follows a project based approach, compatible with the nature of a multi country initiative.

The project is a good example of coordination and harmonisation and is in line with the principles of the Paris and Accra Declarations on Aid Effectiveness in the sense that a) it is clearly demand-driven and is being designed as a result of extensive consultation among the relevant actors, b) it involves a strong coordination among its stakeholders and resources for the implementation of the project will be applied to finance regional harmonized activities, in line with the project’s multi country strategy, c) aims to support the capacity building of national institutions and to provide support based on partner countries’ national strategies, institutions and procedures; d) should complement and strengthen existing efforts in the different sectors and avoid duplication of efforts and rationalise activities.


  • Background and experience in electoral processes, especially voter registration, training of electoral officials and voter education. 
  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of approaches, tools and methodologies related to planning, executing and monitoring the implementation of technical assistance projects. 
Planning and Organization:
  • Excellent analytical and organizational skills required; ability to plan own work, manage conflicting priorities, report on work progress and deliver outputs in a punctual manner.
  • Ability to effectively interact and coordinate with donors and senior officials;
Technological awareness:
  • Fully proficient computer skills and use of relevant software and other applications, e.g. word processing, PowerPoint or equivalent, internal databases, Internet, etc.
  • Knowledge of information technology systems and applications in electoral management would be an asset. 
  • Strong communication (spoken and written) skills and ability to articulate ideas in a clear, concise style.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced University Degree (Masters or equivalent) in Political Sciences, Law, International Relations or related field; Post graduations, Specific study and publications in governance and electoral matters are an asset.
  • 10 years relevant work experience, at least 7 of which involve programming, formulation, management and advice on electoral assistance activities
  • Experience in planning and formulating election observation missions and/or electoral assistance projects for international organizations is an asset;
  • Experience in donor coordination, donor government relations and managing a multi-donor basket fund is an asset;
  • Experience in working with transnational and emerging democracies and post-conflict environments, particularly in the PALOP-TL, are an asset;
  • Computer proficiency, including working knowledge of MS Office products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Front Page, Adobe In-Design; web-based management systems.
  • Knowledge and experience in UNDP electoral assistance and electoral cycle approach – UN/UNDP guide on electoral assistance/ Joint EC-UNDP guidelines on electoral assistance.
Language Requirements:
  • Fluency in both Portuguese and English required.
  • French is an asset.

quinta-feira, agosto 05, 2010

Ventos demográficos viram contra o mercado imobiliário

Em Portugal, mais do que em outros países, os ventos demográficos empurraram o mercado imobiliário nos últimos 20 anos, à medida que as famílias se desdobraram e compraram casas cada vez mais amplas.

Mas os ventos demográficos vão soprar ao contrário nas próximas décadas, com a baixa natalidade e famílias mais pequenas.  Chegando à idade da reforma, as famílias vendem as casas maiores, para comprar casas mais pequenas.

Segundo um estudo de um analista o Banco de Pagamentos Internacionais (BIS  working paper no.318 de E.Takáts) publicado agora em Agosto-2010,  Portugal é o país onde as tendências demográficas mais vão prejudicar mais os preços do imobiliário nos próximos 40 anos. 

Este efeito pode ainda vir a ser agravado por outras duas forças adicionais: a austeridade orçamental e a deslavancagem.  Se as pensões e os benefícios de saúde dos pensionistas tiverem que ser reduzidos por motivos orçamentais, os cidadãos da terceira idade poderão ter que liquidar activos fixos para fazer frente às suas necessidades financeiras. 
Algumas famílias que recorreram a crédito à habitação poderão ver-se obrigadas a vender a casa para saldar a dívida, especialmente quando as taxas de juro voltarem a subir. Assim, esta oferta  poderá prejudicar ainda mais os preços, sobretudo das casas maiores. 

Demografia é destino, e as tendências demográficas podem abalroar qualquer sector.

No entanto, se esta análise estiver correcta, o imobiliário em países do Club Med pode tornar-se cada vez mais atractivo para os pensionistas norte-europeus.

E é melhor que não esperem por “correcções de preços” de -50%. 

Chegando à idade da reforma, eles podem vender as suas casas nos países mais frios e comprar em sítios com clima mais ameno, até podem poupar nos custos energéticos. Casas mais baratas com melhor qualidade de vida!

Mas os pensionistas expatriados devem que trazer não só as pensões mas também os benefícios e saúde, para não virem sobrecarregar os contribuintes dos países do Club Med.


segunda-feira, agosto 02, 2010

Especialistas policiais para Timor Leste

Police Adviser (Community Policing)

United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
Apply By: 03 September 2010
For Members
For Members Only

Projecto de prevenção de HIV - Angola

World Learning, Community-based HIV Prevention in Angola

Apply By: 27 August 2010

1. Chief of Party, Angola

World Learning seeks a Chief of Party candidate to be based at World Learning Angola’s office in Luanda.  Angolan nationals are encouraged to apply.  Recruitment is contingent upon successful award of the project.  Please transmit CV and cover letter (in English) with the post title “COP HIV Prevention” in the subject line explaining how you meet the requirements for this position to  gro.gninraeldlrow@4tnemtiurcer 
The cover letter must state the applicant’s current salary.  Cover letters without salary information will not be considered.  Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. 
Summary of the Project:
The project will assist USAID/Southern Africa, USAID/Angola, and the Government of the Republic of Angola in reducing HIV incidence by preventing HIV transmission among the general population.  The program will do this by:
  • Strengthening the protective behaviors of at-risk adults, at-risk youth, and their sexual partners to prevent HIV transmission; and
  • Strengthening Angolan entities’ capacity to coordinate and deliver comprehensive and sustainable community-based HIV prevention initiatives.
 Strategic and Technical Leadership:
  • Lead and manage the project via direct implementation, strategic guidance, and supervision/training of the staff
  • Assist on technical issues in developing and coordinating implementation of program
  • Act as liaison with government entities, other NGOs (both national and international), and other appropriate partners within the Angolan public health, HIV/AIDS and medical community
  • Oversee overall project planning and implementation, and liaise with subgrantees
  • Interpret reporting and programmatic guidance from USAID specifically related to PEPFAR-funded programs
  • Develop approaches that help to ensure WL needs are identified as they emerge and that strategies are developed to help to address them
  • Conduct project related research and disseminate findings to project stakeholders, donors and the HIV/AIDS and development community
  • Represent the project with USAID, prospective donors, and other counterparts
  • Create networks with government and NGOs for the effective accomplishment of the tasks undertaken
Primary Management Responsibilities:
  • Lead the design and facilitate revisions of project work plan, and ensure that project staff are informed and understand the strategy and activities to be implemented
  • Oversee the management of partners/subcontractors
  • Supervise the work of the Angolan entities and other program personnel to ensure project compliance
  • Approve project job descriptions and oversee recruitment/dismissal of project staff
  • Supervise and mentor project staff and conduct performance reviews
  • Supervise M&E staff, particularly with respect to tracking of delivery of services
  • Contribute to design, data treatment, and analysis of monitoring and evaluation system and ensure it is in line with the overall needs of the program
  • Drive the production of reports, particularly those required by our Cooperative Agreement, but also those for Home Office
  • Review progress and sustainability of program and ensure indicators are on track
  • Ensure regular communication with the AOTR and the Home Office
  • Submit activities vs. plan reports once every two weeks to Program Officer and HIV/AIDS Technical Specialist at the Home Office, and Angola Country Director
  • Coordinate with the Country Director on technical and financial reporting to donor and the HO

Secondary Management Responsibilities:
  • Coordinate procurement and logistics needs, including travel schedules, purchasing, and advance planning of trainings
  • Work closely with finance department on planning of monthly projections and other budget matters
  • Take responsibility jointly with finance colleagues for project burn rate
Additional Duties:
  • Expand donor base by writing stories, profiles, analysis of program bids, and by being in contact with prospective donors
  • Provide staff of World Learning with recommendations on approaches to possible health- related interventions in associated programs
  • Make recommendation for program development and training opportunities
  • Other duties as assigned
 * MPH or equivalent graduate degree in a related field with minimum 10 years of relevant experience.
* Prior experience designing and implementing structural and/or behavioral HIV Prevention interventions in sub-Saharan Africa
* Experience working in post-conflict environments
* Extensive community and field experience
* Prior experience with prevention programming with community-based organizations
* At least 3 years of direct experience working on projects funded by USAID
* Prior experience working on projects funded under PEPFAR
* At least 5 years of senior management experience of similar size and complexity, particularly within countries with mixed epidemics
* Strong communication and negotiation skills
* Fluency (spoken and written) in English and Portuguese
* Frequent in-county travel outside of Luanda
* Proven ability to lead and work in a team setting and work independently
* Direct experience working with service providers in Angola, including NGOs
* Familiarity with PEPFAR 2 - New Generation Indicators
* Familiarity with Monitoring and Evaluation
* Knowledge of the health care system at the provincial and municipal levels
* Financial and budget management experience
* Experience working with NGOs, international donor agencies and the Government of the Republic of Angola
* Staff supervision skills

2. Technical Advisor, Community Development, Angola

World Learning, a global non-profit organization, ( seeks a Technical Advisor for Community Development candidate for a USAID-funded “Community-based HIV Prevention” project in Luanda, Angola.  Duration: Three (3) years.   Position contingent upon successful award of the project.  Please transmit CV and cover letter (in English) soonest possible with the post title on the subject line explaining why you are best qualified for this position to gro.gninraeldlrow@4tnemtiurcer

Only finalist candidates will be contacted.  Angolan nationals are highly encouraged to apply.

Background:  The project will assist USAID/Southern Africa, USAID/Angola, and the Government of the Republic of Angola in reducing HIV incidence by preventing HIV transmission among the general population.  The program will do this by:
  • Strengthening the protective behaviors of at-risk adults, at-risk youth, and their sexual partners to prevent HIV transmission; and
  • Strengthening Angolan entities’ capacity to coordinate and deliver comprehensive and sustainable community-based HIV prevention initiatives.
Technical Advisor for Community Development  The Technical Advisor for Community Development will support and strengthen the capacity and leadership of Angolan entities and civil society institutions to plan and implement effective HIV prevention interventions at the community level.  This will include but not be limited to providing technical support and mentoring approaches and tools that cater to the needs of organizations with varying levels of current capacity and needs.  These organizations include local and community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, and private sector companies.

Required Skills and Experience:

·      Masters in social sciences, NGO management, or related studies required

  • Professional level proficiency in spoken and written Portuguese (required) and English (preferred)
  • Prior working experience in Angola or similar settings in sub-Saharan Africa strongly preferred
  • Six or more years of progressive experience related to capacity building for CSOs in two or more of the following areas required:
    • HIV prevention
    • Advocacy
    • CSO-Governmental Relations (Sociedade Civil
    • CSO Management
    • Demonstrated experience with qualitative and quantitative Monitoring & Evaluation methodologies
    • Ability to work well in a team environment
    • Ability to self motivate
    • Ability to represent the organization to local and national civil society, governmental, media, and private sector organizations
    • Strong verbal and written communication skills
    • Prior experience with international donor funded projects

·      Good understanding of civil society and non-governmental organizations and networks engaged in HIV prevention      Excellent organizational, administrative and time management skills, particularly the ability to meet tight deadline Computer literacy (project planning, spreadsheets, word processing, e-mail and internet)

Consultor em demografia e saúde - Angola

Research Capacity Building Advisor, Angola

Population Services International
Apply By: 28 September 2010
Population Services International (PSI) is the world’s leading non-profit social marketing organization, with a mission to measurably improve the health of poor and vulnerable people in the developing world by influencing their behavior, principally through social marketing of family planning and health products and services, and health communications.   PSI has programs in more than 60 countries and works in malaria, HIV, reproductive health, child survival, and tuberculosis.  PSI’s core values are a belief in markets and market mechanisms to contribute to sustained improvements in the lives of the poor; results and a strong focus on measurement; speed and efficiency with a predisposition to action and an aversion to bureaucracy; decentralization and empowering our staff at the local level; and a long term commitment to the people we serve.  For more information, please visit

PSI seeks a Research Capacity Building Advisor (RCBA) as part of a program with multiple health interventions, namely in the area of HIV, malaria and diarrhea prevention. Working with the HIV and Child Survival Departments, the RCBA will lead key processes such as population segmentation, testing of communications materials and monitoring and evaluation processes in-line with PSI’s methodologies. The Advisor will also lead the recruitment and training of an accomplished team of researchers to serve the Angola operation longer-term. Additionally the position will be responsible for working with technical department heads to translate research into actionable programmatic inputs and the coordinated dissemination of research outputs to stakeholders and partners.   The emphasis in this program is on the development of data for management decision making, completing research work of high quality on a regular basis which serves to inform better project implementation and resource allocation. The RCBA is responsible for following the standard tools and methodologies of the global PSI/Research team and will be expected to participate in relevant PSI/Research meetings and workshops. 
The RCBA will be based in Luanda, Angola with anticipated funding for two years and will report to the PSI Country Representative. 
  • Strengthen the capacity of, and transfer skills to, PSI/Angola’s research team to independently implement, manage, and improve quantitative research activities by providing technical assistance in areas of research design, sampling strategy, data analysis, and dissemination of results to internal and external stakeholders
  • Provide technical assistance in the design of qualitative studies, including the development of communication concepts and pretest of communication strategies
  • Provide technical assistance to PSI/Angola’s research team to use mapping activities to measure coverage and access to PSI products, as well as helping to enhance reporting of PSI field activities through mapping
  • Develop internal systems for cross-departmental institutional annual, semi-annual, and quarterly work planning and reporting
  • Increase the capacity of, and provide technical support to, PSI/Angola program staff to build their skills in interpreting research results and using a research-to-action approach to guide programmatic decisions and activities
  • Assess Angolan partner institutions for gaps in behavioral research approaches
  • Develop and implement a training curriculum to strengthen identified gaps, along with a benchmarked calendar of implementation
  • Develop annual research plans based on program requirements
  • Assist with study implementation, including study design, data analysis, report writing and dissemination (through publications, presentations and workshops)
  • Represent PSI/Angola to high-level partners, including donors and the Government of Angola

  • Master’s Degree in public health, behavioral sciences, population studies, psychology communication or marketing; PhD preferred
  • 5+ years experience in the design, management, analysis, and dissemination of behavioral research in public health
  • Experience in the implementation of a wide range of quantitative and qualitative methods
  • Advanced statistical analysis of health survey data and strong multi-variate analysis skills preferred
  • Experience in capacity building or training in foreign settings
  • Demonstrated ability to manage multiple concurrent studies
  • Demonstrated ability to inform programmatic decisions using research results
  • Experience working in developing countries and/or situations of political sensitivity
The successful candidate will have extensive knowledge of SPSS and/or STATA programming; ability to train, manage and develop research staff in cross-cultural settings; strong monitoring and evaluation research experience with programmatic implementation, demonstrated experience of capacity building, written and spoken Spanish or Portuguese, strong writing skills; the ability to work closely with program staff to deliver actionable and insightful research outputs; excellent interpersonal skills and demonstrated experience of positive governmental relations. Preference will be given to candidates with experience working in resource poor settings, knowledge of public health issues, familiarity with the international donor community and experience using PDAs for data collection. 
*Position contingent upon funding
APPLY ONLINE at  No calls or emails, please.
PSI is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from qualified individuals regardless of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or disability.