
domingo, junho 30, 2013

Green Africa Power - energia renovável em Africa

Se o ano de 2010 foi o ano da China na energia éolica, agora é década de Africa.
Para isso foi criado o fundo Green Africa Power

New PIDG Company - Green Africa Power

Green Africa Power is a new £98 million fund run by PIDG, to stimulate private investment in renewable energy projects in sub-Saharan Africa.
Sub-Saharan Africa is the world’s most power-starved region with more than 700 million people lacking access to electricity. There is a shortage of all types of power generation projects in Africa and, in particular, renewable power projects. The economic cost of this power shortage is reckoned at some 4% of gross domestic product.
For some time, the donor community has been concerned about the slow pace of low-carbon technology adoption in developing countries and the challenge of promoting cleaner energy options in preference to dependence on fossil fuels.
The Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG Trust) was invited by the Department for International Development (DFID), to suggest ways to set up systematic interventions to drive forward renewable independent power projects.
A scoping exercise funded by DFID and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation(Norad) concluded that there was definite potential for Green Africa Power, a fund to address key market failures and stimulate private sector investment in renewable energy in Africa.
On 4 December Edward Davey MP announced an initial input of £98million from the UK Government to Green Africa Power (‘GAP’) as part of a package of support using the UK’s International Climate Fund to help developing countries to tackle climate change and to reduce poverty.
GAP has ambitious target to finance approximately 270MW of new renewable energy generation capacity in four years, saving 3.9m tonnes of carbon emissions and improving the supply of clean energy to millions of people in Africa. Through its selected investments GAP will seek to demonstrate the viability of renewable energy in Africa and how barriers to investment can be addressed.
If you have any queries regarding this new PIDG company please direct them to

See ENEOP, the renewable energy cluster of Portugal

domingo, junho 23, 2013

Curso de financiamento e gestão de contrato, Algés, 24-28 Junho

INA - Curso de Financiamento, Procurement e Gestão de 

Contratos de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento - Algés, de 24 a 28 

de Junho de 2013

O curso, organizado pelo INA (Direcção-Geral da Qualificação 

dos Trabalhadores em Funções Públicas) tem como objetivos dar a conhecer o Ciclo de Procurement do Banco Mundial e da União Europeia e inclui, entre outros, módulos relativos aos Critérios de Elegibilidade, Concursos e seus Procedimentos e Implementação de Contratos.

European Water meeting, Porto, 26-9 Junho 2013

Home Information Abstract Submission RegistrationVenue and accomodation Committes Important dates Programme
An updated daily schedule of the oral presentations which will take place in the 8th International Conference of EWRA is available at the following links:
26 June 2013 (Sessions 1-6)
27 June 2013 (Sessions 7-12)
28 June 2013 (Sessions 13-18)
29 June 2013 (Field Trip)
A list of the poster presentations which will take place during the Conference is available at the following link:

The concise programme of the Conference is as follows. Please note that slight changes may appear in the next few days.

 Wednesday, June 26thThursday, June 27thFriday, June 28thSaturday, June 29th
09.00-09.15RegistrationSession 7
Water Quality
Session 8
Water loss management
Session 13
Management and Modelling
Session 14
Droughts and Water Scarcity
Field trip
09.30-09.45Welcome ceremony
10.00-10.15Keynote Speaker
10.30-10.45Coffee breakCoffee breakCoffee break
11.00-11.15Session 1
Lessons learned from WFD application
Session 2
Adaptive IWRM and new paradigms
Session 9
Optimal vs. Rational decision making
Session 10
Droughts and Water Scarcity
Session 15
Management and Modelling
Session 16
Droughts and Water Scarcity

14.00-14.15Keynote SpeakerKeynote SpeakerKeynote Speaker
14.30-14.45Session 3
Floods Directive and applications
Session 4
Water and Energy
Session 11
Water Quality
Session 12
Incorporation of climate change effects and adaptation in WFD implementation
Session 17
Urban water cycle
Session 18
Water reuse and recycling 
16.00-16.15Coffee breakCoffee breakCoffee break
16.30-16.45Session 5
Lessons learned from WFD application
Session 6
Risk management oriented approach
Poster sessionSide eventRoundtable
18.00-18.15Port of honor  Closing ceremony
18.30-18.45EWRA General Assembly    

A Unsustentável Leveza do EURO

Dada a divergência desastrosa de fortunas entre os membros da Moeda Única e  do Mercado Único, só um tolo não teria coragem e discernimento para parar, repensar e reflectir sobre se esses meios, e a forma como eles têm sido implementadas, serviram para alcançar os fins desejados de nivelar para cima com a prosperidade económica e convergência social entre os países  nosso continente.

O facto é que a convergência não só falhou como aumentou.  Os resultados da aplicação do Mercado Único e da Moeda Única não podiam ter sido pior. Ou será que poderiam tornar-se ainda pior?

Olhemos para as divergências da  economia real subjacente, do comércio e do desemprego, e não apenas para os diferenciais de taxas de juro manipulados pelas politicas monetárias anti-crise.  

Sem instrumentos de ajustamento externo, uma união monetária e alfandegária não pode tolerar desequilibrios persistentes entre os seus países membros. Com o alargamento dos desequilíbrios no comércio externo intra-Eurozone,  o Euro e a União Europeia serão  ambos insustentáveis.

Mariana Abrantes de Sousa
PPP Lusofonia

Given the disastrous divergence of fortunes among the members of the Single Currency and Single Market, only a fool would fail to stop and rethink and reflect about whether these means, and they have been   implemented,  have achieved the desired ends of levelling up prosperity with economic and social convergence accross our continent. 

The results of the Single Market and the Single Currency could not have been worse.  Or could they get even worse ? 

Look to the widening gaps in the real economy, trade, growth, unemployment, not just to the yield diffrentiials manipulated by the emergency monetary policy measures.  

Without adjustment instruments, a customs and currency union cannot tolerate persistent and growing  imbalances among its members. With widening gaps in trade performance,  the Euro AND the European Union are both unsustainable. 


Discursos do 10 de Junho; Cavaco em Bruxelas e a greve dos professores
A análise de Mariana Abrantes de Sousa, António Gaspar, Rogério Fernandes Ferreira e Mária Caldeira Dias, num debate moderado por Rui Pedro Batista. "Conselho Consultivo" de 14 de Junho de 2013.