
domingo, julho 26, 2009

Timothy Irwin on how to manage Government Guarantees

O livro de Timothy Irwin, "Government Guarantees: Allocating and Valuing Risk in Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects" pretende ajudar os governos a quantificar and gerir as garantias diversas que concedem aos concessionários no âmbito dos contratos de PPP ou concessões de obras e serviços públicos.

A principal questão no recurso a contratos de concessão para executar o programa de investimento público é a partilha de riscos entre o Concedente (parceiro público) e o concessionário (parceiro privado) não só no momento da adjudicação mas também ao longo da duração do contrato de concessão.

Irwin define "garantia" como um acordo em que o Estado-Concedente garante um determinado resultado, seja um certo nivel de receita ou de custos, etc, de maneira que o Estado-Concedente (isto é o contribuinte) acaba por assume alguns dos riscos de um projecto.

A partilha ou afectação de riscos entre os parceiros pode considerar-se optimizada no momento da adjudicação se resultou de um concurso público internacional bem conduzido, com bom Value for Money para o Concedente e um contrato equilibrado para todas as partes. A partir desse momento, o Concedente vai perdendo poder negocial devido às assimetrias de informação e de capacidades técnicas que favorecem os concessionários nas sucessivas renegociações. Negociações essas que são inevitáveis dada a longa duração e complexidade dos contratos.

Em última instância, o Concedente retém a responsabilidade global pelos projectos, pois os serviços públicos não podem fechar, e os operadores não estão sujeitos à normal disciplina do mercado.

Diz Irwin (pg 3):
The difficulty of knowing how best to allocate risks is compounded by other problems.

First, politics can encourage governments to bear more risk than is in the public interest. Governments are buffeted on all sides by proposals for subsidies, but unless the beneficiaries are widely regarded as deserving, the most transparent of such proposals tend to fail.
Successful proposals tend to have opaque costs and to come with a rationale explaining how they are good for the country and don’t merely redistribute value. Proposals for guarantees can meet these criteria, especially when the government’s accounting and budgeting fail to recognize their costs. They come with plausible rationales about risk sharing, and taxpayers are unlikely to understand the costs.

Second, government decisions would be difficult even in the absence of political pressures. Psychological research shows that people struggle to make accurate judgments about risks and then fail to make the best use of even their imperfect judgments. Most people, for example, are overconfident in their judgments and therefore think the world is more predictable than it is. Government decision makers may fall into the same trap, underestimating the risks to which they are exposing the public when they issue guarantees. They may also make decisions about guarantees that are irrational given their judgments. Research shows that people can switch from being risk averse to being risk seeking just because the framing of a choice changes. They can also be irrationally risk averse when they consider risks one by one, instead of thinking of their total portfolio of assets and liabilities. Sensitized to the risks created by government guarantees by stories such as those of Korea and 19thcentury Argentina, governments may be needlessly timid about taking risks that are small in the scheme of things.

In sum, governments can easily make poor decisions about guarantees.

There is no simple solution to this problem, but good decisions are more
likely if three conditions are met:
1. The government’s advisers and decision makers have a framework for
judging when a guarantee is likely to be justified.
2. The government’s advisers know how to estimate the cost of a guarantee.
3. The government’s decision makers follow rules that encourage careful
consideration of a guarantee’s costs and benefits.
Helping governments fulfill these three conditions is the aim of
this book."

Fonte: Banco Mundial, obter .pdf aqui

quarta-feira, julho 22, 2009

Manual de financiamento para os mercados lusófonos esgotado

O livro "Empresas Portuguesas e Mercados Lusófonos", publicado pelo IICT e a ELO em 2005, foi bem recebido nos mercados financeiros e já esgotou a segunda edição.

O manual, que foi baseado na investigação de Helena Cordeiro e Mariana Abrantes de Sousa sob a direcção de Jorge Braga de Macedo, detalha as fontes e formas de financiamento para a cooperação e desenvolvimento desde o Banco Mundial até ao Fundo Europeu para o Desenvolvimento.

Uma das instituições financeiras apresentadas é a Proparco, a EDFI francesa (European Development Finance Institution) que é considerada a melhor do sector graças à sua forte presença com mais de 60 representações em vários países ACP, da África, Caribe e Pacífico.

A SOFID é a nova EDFI portuguesa.
TÍTULO/RESP.: Empresas portuguesas e mercados lusófonos : relatório sobre acesso a fontes de financiamento multilaterais / dir. proj. Jorge Braga de Macedo
AUTOR(ES): MACEDO, Jorge Braga de; Portugal. Instituto de Investigação Cientifica Tropical, ed. lit.; Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Económico e a Cooperação, ed. lit.
EDIÇÃO: 2.ª edição revista
PUBLICAÇÃO: Lisboa: Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (IICT) e Associação para o Desenvolvimento Económico e a Cooperação (ELO), 2005
DESC.FÍSICA: 250 p. : quad., gráficos ; 24 cm
ISBN: 972-672-962-9
AUDIÊNCIAS:adulto, sério

segunda-feira, julho 13, 2009

Assessor em saúde materno-infantil para Moçambique

SCIP Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) & HIV/AIDS Nutrition Technical Advisor
Org: World Vision International,
Country: Mozambique, Quelimane, Zambezia province
Apply By: 31 July 2009 on-line, company website
Position Start Date: 01 Set 2009, Position End Date: 31 Ago 2011 (2 anos)

Work Description
Provide technical assistance and support to the Program staff and partners for the implementation of the "Strengthening Communities through Integrated Programming - OGUMANIHA Project in Quelimane, Zambézia Province, thus ensuring the technical quality of the program, integration with complementary sectors and providing technical expertise such as technical training, quality assurance, community strengthening and mobilization skills, etc.
Areas of focus to include maternal, newborn and child health, HIV/AIDS prevention and care, immunization, diarrhea disease control, malaria and ARI case management, maternal health, family planning and birth spacing, STIs prevention, participatory health education, nutrition, and epidemic control.
This will include managerial actions related to planning, design, monitoring, reporting and liaison with the Provincial Directorate of Health (DPS), the Provincial office of Social Welfare (DPAS), the Provincial office of the National AIDS Council (NPCS) and any other government coordinating body to ensure that the goal of the project is achieved efficiently and effectively
Provide technical assistance project staff and partners to implement project activities, including staff and health facility and community health provider training and formative supervision, support to data collection and monitoring of site performance, referral systems and linkages for community involvement and support.
Provide technical support for project staff and partners to implement project activities using core values and in accordance to WV mission, vision, and strategic priorities. Ensure that new staff is given appropriate orientation and training on project health, nutrition and HIV/AIDS standards.
Follow World Vision policy on promotion and development of human resources.Responsible for ensuring that project technical contents of activities related to maternal, newborn and child health, nutrition and HIV/AIDS activities are implemented incorporating international and Mozambican Ministry of Health standards. Ensure that standards are understood, accepted, and practicedSupport the project staff and partners to maintain a close follow-up on all project activities and ensure the achievement of the objectives, establishing and maintaining the quality of the interventions.
Provide support in ensuring that project staff, partner agencies and communities understand, accept and adhere to MNCH standards established by the donor in the project implementation and support the adhere to MNCH standards established by the donor in the project implementation and support the dissemination of the MNCH /HIV & AIDS technical information and documentation as required.Provide support to project staff and partners in developing and strengthening the maternal, newborn, child and HIV/AIDS referral systems and linkages between the different departments and services within the health facilities as well as between health facilities and community based services to ensure follow-up of persons enrolled in care and treatment program.
Support and mentor the project staff and partners in the preparation of monthly planning, documentation of maternal, newborn, and child health and HIV & AIDS lessons learned and best practices during project implementation and quarterly reports on project activities and actions, ensuring that project reports and documents are of high quality submitted in a timely fashion.
Review quarterly and annual reports of the project sub-grantees for adherence to the project objectives and timeline as well as technical quality and provide necessary support to improve the quality if found to be deficient Support leadership and management capacity development within the DPS and SDSMASs to perform planning tasks, manage, and supervise the MNCH &HIV/AIDS program.
Participate in project monthly and quarterly meetings at the government provincial level. To foster capacity building and foster sustainabilityCollaborate and integrate World Vision emergency, agriculture, wash/.san, and sponsorship programs to leverage talent and resourcesSupport the project staff and partners to investigate funding opportunities and participate in resource acquisition to enable the communities and capacity of partners (government and local NGOs/FBOs) to assume greater responsibility for service delivery and improve sustainability.Participate in the implementation of the project mentoring and staff development programs and actively work towards greater nationalization of the health program.

Towards this end, the Technical Advisor will support the HIV/AIDS and Health Director to ensure that technical information is obtained, disseminated to staff and documented as required and that staff have opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills.

Qualifications Required:
University degree in Maternal and Child Health

World Vision International procura Assessor Técnico em Saúde Materno-infantil e HIV/SIDA, durante 2 anos, de 2009-2011, para projecto em Quelimane, provincia de Zambézia, Moçambique

Consultores juridicos para Moçambique - avaliação final de projecto de apoio ao sector da Justiça

Organization(s): B&S Europe
Country/Region: Mozambique
Contract Length: Short-term consulting assignment
Apply by: 17 July 2009

Project Drescription:
Global Objective the Review of the Project to Reform the Justice System is to report and inform Stakeholders of the extent to which the programme has produced or is on track to produce its intended development results, to understand the reasons for such performance, and to identify the key lessons which can inform the design and implementation of activities associated with the Integrated Strategic Plan (PEI) for the sector.
Specific Objective is to undertake a questionaire survey, based on the original Project Logical Framework with list of key evaluation questions intended to focus the work of the reviewers.
The funding agencies are EC and UNDP.

Governance Expert
Description of post: One Expert of Category I (Team Leader)
Qualifications: -Qualified lawyer (graduate in law, preferably from a civil law country) or equivalent. -Minimum 15 years of overseas experience in a post-conflict/development context preferably in the areas of justice or governance policy development;

Planning and Capacity building development Expert
Description of post: One Expert of Category II
Qualifications: -Masters degree in a relevant field; -At least 10 years experience in the design and execution of performance monitoring systems or in the design and implementation of evaluations of large and complex development programmes;

Justice Sector Expert
Description of post: One Expert of Category III
Qualifications: -Qualified lawyer with professional experience as a lawyer in Mozambique; -Minimum 5 years of working experience, preferably in Mozambique. -Extensive knowledge and experience with regard to the institutions of the Mozambican Justice Sector

Social Science Expert
Description of post: One Expert of Category III
Qualifications: -Degree in social sciences, political sciences or related field with excellent analytical skills. -Minimum 5 years of working experience, preferably in Mozambique. -Competence in the field of governance, security analysis, media and communication strategies, public opinion studies.

Qualifications required (general):
- Masters degree in a relevant field;
- At least 10 years experience in the design and execution of performance monitoring systems or in the design and implementation of evaluations of large and complex development programmes;
- At least 10 years experience of institutional capacity-development programmes, including experience in the area of civil society and community development;
- Excellence in both written and conversational English;
- Ability to communicate in Portuguese ;
- Initiative, ability to work independently, sound judgment and good interpersonal skills;- Experience with financial management and accountability issues;
- Experience and knowledge of the socio-political and legal context of Mozambique would be an asset, in particular in relation to the justice sector;

Project FWC 7 - End of Term Review of Support to the justice sectorApplication , submisssion of CVs to B&S website , by 17-julho-2009
Country : Mozambique
Contacts : Project Manager: Alix Pillot (,
Project Director: Ana Vilar (

Estudo de avaliação final do projecto de Apoio ao Sector da Justiça em Moçambique. Fazer inquérito de revisão final com base nos objectivos e indicadores definidos no Quadro Lógico original do projecto, a fim de reportar e informar as Partes Interessadas sobre os resultados e progressos obtidos e identificar as melhores práticas para projectos futuros.

quarta-feira, julho 08, 2009

Consultores Jurídicos para Moçambique

Consultores (4) para revisão do sistema de justiça de Moçambique
Apply By: 14 July 2009

The overall objective of the Mozambique justice system review is to inform stakeholders of the extent to which the justice programme has produced or is on track to produce its intended development results, to understand the reasons for such performance, and to identify the key lessons which can inform the design and implementation of activities associated with the Integrated Strategic Plan (PEI) for the sector.
The team will be composed by four members namely two qualified lawyers, a capacity building expert and a sociologist. The team is expected to apply a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis and evaluation of the project components.

Governance expert (Category I)Qualified lawyer (graduate in law, preferably from a civil law country) or equivalent.
-Minimum 15 years of overseas experience in a post-conflict/development context preferably in the areas of justice or governance policy development;
-Prior experience of conducting evaluations of justice support programmes;
-Experience in the design/implementation of institutional capacity-development projects;
-Knowledge about the application of the Paris Declaration;
-Excellence in both written and conversational English;
-Ability to communicate in Portuguese would be an asset;Initiative, ability to work independently, sound judgment and good interpersonal skills;
-Experience and knowledge of the socio-political context of Mozambique would be an asset, in particular in relation to the justice sector;

Planning and Capacity building development expert (Category II)
Masters degree in a relevant field;At least 10 years experience in the design and execution of performance monitoring systems or in the design and implementation of evaluations of large and complex development programmes;
-At least 10 years experience of institutional capacity-development programmes, including experience in the area of civil society and community development;Excellence in both written and conversational English;
-Ability to communicate in Portuguese would be an asset;
-Initiative, ability to work independently, sound judgment and good interpersonal skills;Experience with financial management and accountability issues;
-Experience and knowledge of the socio-political context of Mozambique would be an asset, in particular in relation to the justice sector;~

Justice Sector Expert (Category III)
Qualified lawyer with professional experience as a lawyer in Mozambique; Minimum 5 years of working experience, preferably in Mozambique.
-Extensive knowledge and experience with regard to the institutions of the Mozambican Justice Sector, covering design and implementation of development projects/programmes related to the justice sector;
-Knowledge on the risks, problems and challenges facing the Sector;
-Understanding of the need for coordination between the various institutions involved in the process of justice administration.
-Experienced in project evaluation methodology.

Social Sciences Expert (Category III)
Degree in social sciences, political sciences or related field with excellent analytical skills. Minimum 5 years of working experience, preferably in Mozambique.
-Competence in the field of governance, security analysis, media and communication strategies, public opinion studies.
-Academic background and publications will be an advantage.
-Fluent in English and Portuguese
-Experienced in project evaluation methodology.
Job keywords: Governance, Justice Sector, Planning, Decentralisation, and Administration of Justice