A UE vai conceder 26 milhões de euros aos países africanos de língua portuguesa e a Timor Leste (PALOP-TL) - Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique, São Tomé e Príncipe e Timor Leste, em dois projetos.
1. Promover trabalho no setor cultural dos PALOP-TL, 18 milhões de euros, um grande apoio à cultura e literacia na Lusofonia
O projeto vai concentrar-se nas artes de palco, incluindo música, dança e teatro, e fortalecerá formação e treinamento no setor. Este programa aumentará o acesso de produtos culturais dos países PALOP-TL aos mercados nacionais, regionais e internacionais e apoiará a criação e difusão de publicações literárias e da leitura nos países da Lusofonia, principalmente entre crianças e jovens.
O Ano Europeu do Património Cultural continua durante 2018.
2. Apoio à gestão das finanças públicas nos PALOP-TL - 8 milhões de euros consolidará as iniciativas das suprema instituições de controlo das finanças públicas, Tribunal de Contas bem como a sociedade civil, para melhorar a responsabilização, eficiência e transparência das finanças públicas nos seis países.
Estes apoios são financiados pelo 11º Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento e foram anunciados à margem da Cimeira bienal da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), organizada por Cabo Verde, que está a assumir a presidência da CPLP.
EU provides €26 million to the Portuguese-speaking African countries and East Timor (PALOP-TL)
Today, the European Commission has signed an €18 million project to support the Portuguese-speaking African countries and East Timor (PALOP-TL) - Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe and East Timor - to promote employment in the cultural sector. The project will focus on performing arts including music, dance and theater and will strengthen technical training and skills in the sector. This programme will increase access of cultural products from PALOP-TL countries to national, regional and international markets and will support the creation and diffusion of literary publications in the region mainly for children and the youth.
The €8 million programme to support public finance management systems in the PALOP-TL will consolidate the initiatives of supreme public financial control institutions, as well as civil society, to improve accountability, efficiency and transparency of public finance in the six countries.
Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica, said: "The EU is a strong partner of the Portuguese-speaking African countries and East Timor. The EU has also always promoted the idea that culture is an indispensable element of the development of societies. Our €18 million project is a concrete investment to create jobs in the cultural sector which has great potential for growth, especially among youth. The reform of the public finance sector is also very important in order to contribute to more effective public expenditure and to improve the quality of public services for citizens. "
This support is provided thro
ugh the 11th European Development Fund and its ultimate goal is to contribute to more inclusive and sustainable growth in these countries.
The signature took place in the margins of the bi-annual Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) Summit hosted by Cabo Verde, which is taking over the CPLP Presidency from Brazil. The presidency has adopted the motto 'People, Ocean, Culture', and will seek to launch significant initiatives in these three areas. Throughout 2018, the EU will celebrate our diverse cultural heritage across Europe - at EU, national, regional and local level through 'The European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018'.
The EU has been cooperating with the PALOP-TL since 1992 – for over 25 years.
More information on EU-PALOP-TL cooperation