Depois de 70 anos de “concessão de facto” a gerir os aeroportos de Lisboa, Porto, Faro, Açores e Madeira, ANA Aeroportos de Portugal, SA é agora uma concessão de papel passado com a outorga do contrato de concessão do serviço público aeroportuário a14-Dezembro-2012. O contrato diverge em alguns aspectos das Bases da Concessão (Decreto-Lei n.º 33/2010), nomeadamente no prazo que é alargado para 50 anos (antes 40) e o tratamento das receitas aeronáuticas que ficam segregadas das taxas aeroportuárias.
Mas a grande mudança na ANA que vai a privatizar esta semana é o benefício da nova norma, a Base XXIX que define as regras para a «reposição do equilíbrio económico-financeiro». Desde os tempos da DGAC, a ANA Aeroportos foi razoavelmente auto sustentável. Na última década, a ANA realizou mais e € 950 milhões de euros de investimento, com resultados líquidos consistentemente positivos, e contribuindo para o Estado com impostos e dividendos. Como uma empresa pública estratégica, a ANA tem cumprido bem a sua missão de contribuir positivamente para o Estado e para a economia, ao contrário de outras empresas do sector dos transportes mais caracterizadas pelos problemas paralelos de greves e défices operacionais.
A avaliar por outras empresas e concessões do sector de transportes, os riscos orçamentais com a ANA podem agravar-se substancialmente agora que a concessionária, e os seus novos accionistas, pode reclamar “reposição de reequilíbrio financeiro”, especialmente se o contrato de concessão aeroportuária for gerido tão mal como têm sido as concessões rodoviárias e portuárias. Para compreender o que pode estar em causa, convinha recordar alguns outros casos recentes de concessões problemáticas:
- A Estradas de Portugal, SA deveria ser auto-sustentável, segundo o próprio preâmbulo do - Decreto-Lei n.º 374/2007 explicitava “o princípio de que o Estado não garante ou avaliza, directa ou indirectamente, qualquer dívida ou obrigação desta sociedade, nem assume qualquer responsabilidade pelos seus passivos, seja qual for a sua natureza.” Na pratica, o Estado começou a emitir garantias a favor do BEI logo no próprio ano. Neste e noutros casos do sector dos transportes, da saúde e de alguns outros serviços públicos, as intenções de auto-sustentabilidade não passam disso, de meras intenções.
- A Administração do Porto de Lisboa tinha passado o risco de tráfego substancialmente para a concessionária do terminal de contentores durante mais de 20 anos. Com o renegociação e projecções de tráfego ultra-optimistas, a concessionária deixou de ser bancável e o risco de tráfego têve que reverter para a APL. Uma concessão auto-sustentável durante décadas pode agora vir a sobrecarregar o contribuinte.
- A concessionária da auto-estrada Litoral Centro reclama compensações de mais de €1 mil milhões de Euros por um projecto que custou pouco mais de metade desse valor. Se os estudos de tráfego dos concorrentes finalistas tivesse sido publicado na ocasião, talvez tivesse tido a coragem de dizer que o rei ia nu.
Depois, há o risco de querer vir a segregar os aeroportos mais rentáveis e exigir apoios para os outros, em vez de fazer subsidiação cruzada, para as ilhas e para Beja.
Os contribuintes devem acautelar que nada no
contracto de concessão pode ser interpretado pelo concessionário, ou por um
eventual tribunal arbitral, como uma “garantia de tráfego aéreo a 50 anos.
Desde as 10
manifestações de interesse, quatro consórcios que apresentaram proposta
vinculativas e aguardam a decisão final antes do fim do ano: EMEA/Corporacion America (Argentina)/Tradeco
(Mexico), Flughafen Zurich/CCR/GIP, Fraport/IFM(Australia) , Vinci/Qatari
Investment Authority. No entanto, faltaria conhecer melhor as perspectivas dos concorrentes sobre o futuro do actividade aeroportuária em Portugal, nomeadamente os estudos
de tráfego que, injustificadamente, são considerados matéria confidencial.
Quanto menos escrutínio
das projecções de tráfego subjacentes ao contrato de concessão, maior é o risco
de o excesso de optimismo levar os concessionários a pedir ajuda do Estado e dos contribuintes no
Mariana Abrantes de Sousa
PPP Lusofonia
Caso Estradas do Portugal -
Caso Estradas do Portugal -
Caso Terminal de
Contentores de Alcântara, e
Caso Litoral
Estudos para o NAL
After 70 years of a "de facto concession" to manage the airports of Lisbon, Porto, Faro, Madeira and the Azores, ANA Airports of Portugal, SA is now going legit with the granting of the public service concession contract on 14 -December-2012. The contract differs in some aspects of the Concession Bases (Decree-Law n. º 33/2010), in particular the extension to 50 years (before 40) and t treatment of non-aeronautical revenues are segregated from the aeronautical revenues.
But the big change in ANA going to privatized this week is the benefit of the new contractual clauses, the Base XXIX, laying down rules for 'economic and financial balancing " of the concession. Since the days of the DGAC, ANA Airports was fairly self sustainable. In the last decade, ANA undertook € 950 million in investment, with consistently positive net income, and contributed to the state with taxes and dividends. As a strategic public company , ANA has fulfilled its mission to contribute positively to the State and the economy, unlike other companies in the transport sector characterized by the twin problems of labour strikes and operating deficits.
Judging by other companies and concessions in the transport sector, fiscal risks with ANA may worsen substantially now that the concessionaire, and its new shareholders, can claim "financial rebalancing," especially if the airport concession contract is managed as badly as have been the road and port concessions. To understand what may be at stake, it may be convenient to recall some other recent cases of problematic concessions:
And the budget risks of the ANA privatization are already in sight. First, there is the attempt of the Concedent and the candidates mutually insisting that the other party take responsibility for maintaining the "hub" airport in Lisbon, a strange and unrealisticstance that promises enough matter for future litigation and arbitration. After all, is not the state or airport operators that make or break up "hubs"; it's the airlines like TAP and the passengers. According to a traffic study done for the NAL, the percentage of transit passengers (who travel onwards by air within 18 hours) was 1.74% in 2005 and expected increased to 3% by 2017, which hardly qualifies as a hub.
Then there is the risk of segregating the more profitable airports from those that require assistance such as those on the Azores and Madeira islands and Beja instead of ensuring cross-subsidization,.
Taxpayers should ensure that nothing in the concession contract can be interpreted by the concessionaire or by any tribunal or arbitration as a guarantee of air traffic over 50 years.
Since receiving the 10 expressions of interest, four consortia submitted binding proposals and await the final decision before the end of the year: EMEA / Corporacion America (Argentina) / Tradeco (Mexico), Flughafen Zurich / CCR / GIP, Fraport / MFI (Australia) , Vinci / Qatari Investment Authority.
However, there would good to understand the perspectives of the bidders on the future of airport activities in Portugal, including traffic studies which are unjustifiably considered confidential.
The less scrutiny of traffic projections underlying the concession contract, the greater the risk of over-optimism that may lead the concessionaire to ask for help from the State and taxpayers in the future.
Estudos para o NAL
After 70 years of a "de facto concession" to manage the airports of Lisbon, Porto, Faro, Madeira and the Azores, ANA Airports of Portugal, SA is now going legit with the granting of the public service concession contract on 14 -December-2012. The contract differs in some aspects of the Concession Bases (Decree-Law n. º 33/2010), in particular the extension to 50 years (before 40) and t treatment of non-aeronautical revenues are segregated from the aeronautical revenues.
But the big change in ANA going to privatized this week is the benefit of the new contractual clauses, the Base XXIX, laying down rules for 'economic and financial balancing " of the concession. Since the days of the DGAC, ANA Airports was fairly self sustainable. In the last decade, ANA undertook € 950 million in investment, with consistently positive net income, and contributed to the state with taxes and dividends. As a strategic public company , ANA has fulfilled its mission to contribute positively to the State and the economy, unlike other companies in the transport sector characterized by the twin problems of labour strikes and operating deficits.
Judging by other companies and concessions in the transport sector, fiscal risks with ANA may worsen substantially now that the concessionaire, and its new shareholders, can claim "financial rebalancing," especially if the airport concession contract is managed as badly as have been the road and port concessions. To understand what may be at stake, it may be convenient to recall some other recent cases of problematic concessions:
- The Estradas de Portugal, SA was supposed to be self-sustaining, according to the preamble itself - Decree-Law n. º 374/2007 which stated "the principle that the State does not guarantee or endorse, directly or indirectly, any debt or obligation of this company nor assumes any responsibility for its liabilities, whatever their nature. " In practice, however, the State began to issue guarantees to the EIB in the very first year. In this and other cases of transport, health and some other utilities, the intentions of self-sustainability are just that, mere intentions
- APL, the Port of Lisbon Authority had passed the traffic risk substantially to the container terminal concessionaire for more than 20 years. With the renegotiation and 27-year extension based on ultra-optimistic traffic projections, the concession has ceased to be bankable and the risk of traffic had to revert to APL. A public service self-sustainable for decades may now come to burden the taxpayer.
- The concessionaire of the Litoral Centro motorway is claiming compensation of more than € 1 billion Euros for a project that cost little more than half that amount. If the traffic studies of competing finalists had been published at the time, someone might have had the courage to say the emperor had no clothes.
And the budget risks of the ANA privatization are already in sight. First, there is the attempt of the Concedent and the candidates mutually insisting that the other party take responsibility for maintaining the "hub" airport in Lisbon, a strange and unrealisticstance that promises enough matter for future litigation and arbitration. After all, is not the state or airport operators that make or break up "hubs"; it's the airlines like TAP and the passengers. According to a traffic study done for the NAL, the percentage of transit passengers (who travel onwards by air within 18 hours) was 1.74% in 2005 and expected increased to 3% by 2017, which hardly qualifies as a hub.
Then there is the risk of segregating the more profitable airports from those that require assistance such as those on the Azores and Madeira islands and Beja instead of ensuring cross-subsidization,.
Taxpayers should ensure that nothing in the concession contract can be interpreted by the concessionaire or by any tribunal or arbitration as a guarantee of air traffic over 50 years.
Since receiving the 10 expressions of interest, four consortia submitted binding proposals and await the final decision before the end of the year: EMEA / Corporacion America (Argentina) / Tradeco (Mexico), Flughafen Zurich / CCR / GIP, Fraport / MFI (Australia) , Vinci / Qatari Investment Authority.
However, there would good to understand the perspectives of the bidders on the future of airport activities in Portugal, including traffic studies which are unjustifiably considered confidential.
The less scrutiny of traffic projections underlying the concession contract, the greater the risk of over-optimism that may lead the concessionaire to ask for help from the State and taxpayers in the future.
Vender a ANA para reduzir a dívida externa faz algum sentido, se não houver recurso a mais endividamento da parte dos compradores, e se for bem vendida.
ResponderEliminarVender a ANA para Eurostat ver, isto é para abater ao défice orçamental na contabilidade nacional do Eurostat, não faz sentido nenhum.
As regras de contabilidade Eurostat motivaram alguns dos piores abusos de sobre-endividamento.
Franceses da Vinci pagaram 3,08 mil milhões pela ANA. A proposta mais próxima era liderada pelos alemães da Fraport, mas ficava nos 2,44 mil milhões
ResponderEliminarFala-se que €1,2 a €1,8 mil milhões dos proveitos da alienação da ANA a investidores estrangeiros sejam contabilizados como receita orçamental, a abater no défice.
ResponderEliminarIsto é uma pura ilusão contabilística, para Eurostat ver.
O que importa mais que nada neste momento é reduzir não apenas a dívida pública mas também a dívida externa. O que se deve confirmar é que TODO o montante de €3 mil milhões entra com FDI, investimento directo extrangeiro e não como dívida externa, financiada pelo BEI or por outros.
Privatizações com base no crédito externo fazem parte do problema, não da solução.